Social Sciences Education Study Program is a Study Program within the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences. The Study Program continues to develop regarding the number of human resources, such as the quality of lecturers and education staff, administrative services, and supporting facilities and infrastructure. The academic programs offered are varied and competitive and align with the vision and mission of the Study Program, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Negeri Semarang.
The vision of the Study Program is “To become a superior study program in the field of Social Sciences education that cares about the environment, is based on Indonesian social and cultural values, and has an international reputation”. This means the study program cares about the environment regarding perspectives and behavioral attitudes oriented to the principles of caring for the environment (preservation, maintenance, care, preservation, and development) based on Indonesian social and cultural values by revitalizing values rooted in the socio-culture of the Indonesian nation so that the graduates produced have characters rooted in the culture of the Indonesian nation; and strive to become a study program that has a good image and name in international associations and becomes a reference in the Tri Dharma of Higher Education activities at the international level in the field of social studies education.
Number 888/SK/LAMDIK/Ak/S/XII/2022
Accreditation Expiration Date: 12/27/2027
International Accreditation by AQAS
Bachelor of Education (B.Ed)/(S.Pd)
Faculty of Social and Political Science
Social Science Education Study Program
C1 Building
Sekaran Campus, Gunungpati, Semarang
Central Java 50229
Phone. : (024) 76424121
Head of Study Program
Dr. Muh. Sholeh, S. Pd, M. Pd