Brief Profile

Faculty of Economics (FE) of Semarang State University (Unnes), inaugurated in 2006, is the seventh faculty in Unnes. This young faculty has been developing science and education, especially in the field of economics, just like the establishment of Unnes, so that in its journey as a faculty it is currently able to make the Faculty of Economics as one of the faculties expected by the community due to various achievements that have been able to be achieved both within the scope of the Central Java region and the National level, especially through the Student Scientific Activity Competition (LKIM).

As a young faculty, the Faculty of Economics is very meaningful to the development of Unnes, as it is the embryo for the creation of an institution that is definitively independent and produces quality graduates that are accepted by society in general.

In line with this responsibility, the Faculty of Economics strives to maintain the quality of the teaching and learning process, which is its main task, through the management and addition of necessary facilities and infrastructure.


The history of the development of the Faculty of Economics can be seen in several periods, namely:

The existence of FE Unnes began with two departments, namely the Department of Corporate Economics and the Department of General Economics. The Corporate Economics Department was oriented towards bookkeeping education or what is now called accounting, while the General Economics Department was oriented towards macroeconomic education. These two departments of economics organized strata one (S1) level education under the Faculty of Teacher Training in Social Sciences (FKIS).

Period 1982
This period is based on Presidential Decree of the Republic of Indonesia No. 52/1982, the Department of Corporate Economics and the Department of General Economics merged into one under the name of the Department of Business World Education (PDU) with 4 study programs, namely Accounting Study Program, Office Administration Study Program, Commerce Study Program, and Service Skills Study Program. At that time the name of the faculty which was originally FKIS also changed its name to the Faculty of Social Science Education (FPIPS).

Along with the merger of the two departments of economics, all resources in the two departments were combined and managed into a department. It was at this time that a huge synergy emerged in terms of human resources. Good cooperation in terms of research, community service, and academic activities was carried out together and had a positive impact on the development of the department.

Period 1992
Based on the decree of the Minister of National Education and Culture No. 0463/O/1992, concerning the Statute of IKIP Semarang and No. 0185/O/1995 concerning the Organization and Work Procedures of IKIP Semarang, the Business World Education Department has 5 Study Programs namely Cooperative Education (S1), Accounting Education (S1), Commerce Education (S1), Office Administration Education (S1), and Service Skills Education (D2). Along with the end of the Diploma Education Implementation Project at that time, then the Commerce Education study program was finally closed and the name of the Business World Education department changed to the Department of Economic Education.

Period 1999
In 1999, the Department of Economic Education with its Commerce Education, Accounting Education, Cooperative Education, and Office Administration Education programs entered a new phase, as Presidential Decree No. 124 of 1999 was issued to transform IKIP Semarang, Bandung, and Medan into universities, and IKIP Semarang changed its name to Semarang State University (Unnes). The Presidential Decree was followed by Minister of Education and Culture Decree No. 278/O/1999 on the Organization and Administration of Unnes, and Minister of National Education Decree No. 225/O/2000 on the Statute of Unnes. As a result, the names of the faculties within Semarang State University changed except for the Faculty of Education (FIP). The Faculty of Social Science Education (FPIPS) became the Faculty of Social Science (FIS), and the Department of Economics Education became the Department of Economics. With this development, the department was given an expanded mandate to open non-educational study programs, such as Management study program (S1), Accounting study program (S1) and Development Economics study program (S1).

Period 2006
With the expansion of the mandate of the Department of Economics to open non-educational study programs, student interest in entering the Department of Economics increased sharply, so that in every new admission, the Department of Economics was always flooded with applicants, so that the number of students majoring in economics exceeded the number of faculties in Semarang State University, then through a long struggle the economics department was proposed to become a stand-alone faculty, then through the permission letter of the Directorate General of Higher Education No. 1850 / D / T / 2006, dated June 6, 2006. and Semarang State University Rector Decree No. 59 / O / 2006 dated June 8, 2006. The Department of Economics was transformed into the Faculty of Economics (Self-supporting), Semarang State University. With this change, the Faculty of Economics has 3 Departments and 8 Study Programs, namely (1) Department of Management consisting of Office Administration Education Study Program (S1), Management Study Program (S1), and Office Management (D3). (2) Department of Development Economics consisting of Cooperative Education Study Program (S1), and Development Economics Study Program (S1), and (3) Accounting Education consisting of Accounting Education Study Program (S1), Accounting Study Program (S1) and Accounting Study Program (D3).

Period 2009
With the issuance of Minister of Finance Decree No. 362/KMK.05/2008 on the Determination of Semarang State University at the Ministry of National Education as a Government Agency Implementing Public Service Agency Financial Management, there were changes in the organizational structure at the University and Faculty levels. The fundamental changes were in the organizational structure and this resulted in changes to the status of the Faculty of Economics. At the beginning of its establishment, the Faculty of Economics was still a self-supporting faculty. However, with the establishment of Semarang State University as a Public Service Agency (BLU), the status of the Faculty of Economics is the same as other faculties owned by Semarang State University. This change does not change the Academic Structure of the Faculty of Economics which has 3 Departments and 8 Study Programs, namely (1) Department of Management consisting of Office Administration Education Study Program (S1), Management Study Program (S1), and Office Management (D3). (2) Department of Development Economics consisting of Cooperative Education Study Program (S1), and Development Economics Study Program (S1), and (3) Accounting Education consisting of Accounting Education Study Program (S1), Accounting Study Program (S1) and Accounting study program (D3).


Based on the Statute of the Universitas Negeri Semarang (UNNES), UNNES symbol and logo are distinguished by their uses. The UNNES symbol is used for campus internal activities that are academic-related, while the UNNES logo is used for external purposes, such as public relations, public image, and so on. Based on the Statute of the Universitas Negeri Semarang (UNNES).