Initial Description
The Geography Education Study Program was established in 1965 through the Decree of the Minister of PTIP No. 40/1965 and Presidential Decree No.271/1965, at that time the Geography Education Study Program was still in the form of an Earth Science Department under the Faculty of Teacher Training in Social Sciences (FKIP) IKIP Semarang. In 1982, through Presidential Decree No. 52/1982, the name of the department changed to the Department of Geography Education and the name of the Geography Education S1 Study Program appeared while the name of the faculty became the Faculty of Social Science Education (F-PIPS). In 1999, through the Decree of the Minister of Education and Culture No. 278/O/1999, the Geography Education Study Program of Semarang State University was under the Department of Geography and under the Faculty of Social Sciences (FIS).
Why Choose
Teachers in schools for social studies subjects in junior high schools / MTs / SMK and Geography subjects in SMA / MA are mostly recruited from graduates of Geography education study programs, while LPTK in Indonesia that open this study program are still very limited, this rational becomes a reference to develop the study program professionally.
In 2011, the quality of management developed brought the head of the study program to become a finalist for the national level caprodi and increased the status of BAN PT accreditation of the study program to A accreditation. Learning innovations have been developed through micro teaching laboratories complete with digital audio video visual devices, as well as laboratories to develop professional competencies of graduates (Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Systems Laboratories).
Easy access to information and administrative and academic management systems is carried out online through the internet network with qualified LAN and wifi facilities. Website The uniqueness of Unnes’ geography education program is that it trains prospective geography teacher students to master remote sensing and geographic information system analysis techniques.
Through MoUs with related institutions (such as LAPAN, BIG, BMKG, environmental NGOs), it is hoped that graduates will be able to become conservation-minded educators and geographers.
Graduate Competencies
The main competencies of graduates of the Geography Education Study Program must master the concepts of geography, develop and apply them based on remote sensing and geographic information systems in a professional, responsible, personality and moral Pancasila.
Supporting competencies are mastering survey/research methods and techniques spatially through remote sensing imagery, IT-based mapping techniques for the development of disaster management and mitigation, spatial and regional planning.
Other competencies possessed by graduates of the Geography Education Study Program give rise to an entrepreneurial spirit in the field of mapping services and production, consultants in the field of environmental conservation, reliable as teachers and trainers in the fields of Geography, mapping and GIS, tourism guides in the tourism sector.
Description of Lectures
The lecture system developed in the study program for most courses is carried out face-to-face, laboratory work, field practice, while for integrated learning during the study period it is required to attend field work lectures three times.Face-to-face activities are intended for scientific sharing between lecturers and students, so that the concepts developed are more based on student needs and the development of science and technology. In addition, blended learning methods have begun to be carried out as an adaptation to the development of technology 4.0.Laboratory activities are carried out to strengthen mastery of skills both in the scientific profession and the pedagogical profession by utilizing the laboratory as an innovator.
Field practice activities are used to understand various real problems, and at the same time as a place to apply the results of innovations developed in the laboratory in a sustainable manner, in this way it is expected to produce professional education graduates in the field of geography.
Alumni Stories
Sabar Mulyono (Head of SMP SMA AND SMK Division of Batang Regency DISDIKPORA)
Teachers from UNNES Geography Education Study Program alumni generally have good pedagogical and professional competencies, have personality competencies and social competencies that are able to socialize in the school environment and in the community, as well as innovation, and UNNES Geography Education Study Program is still an option for students to enter the SNMPTN.
Lukito Agung (ESDM Central Java Province)
Geography Education is a study program that deserves to be used as a vehicle for success, because seniors, professional staff and lecturers, marketable curriculum, and supported by representative laboratories, make me easily adapt to the world of work outside the education sector. Bravo geography education.
Habib (Teacher of MAN 2 Pati)
Studying at the Department of Geography Education, Faculty of Social Sciences, Semarang State University, I was not only taught about education as a geography teacher but also as a geographer, graduates from the geography education program not only become teachers, but also technicians or consultants. I think the involvement of students in lecturers’ research is also one of the steps to form students’ scientific mindset. I am proud to have been part of the geography department at Unnes.