

The Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) UNNES presents the 2023 Bibliographic Analysis & Systematic Literature Review (SLR) Workshop. This event will be held in a hybrid manner on: Tuesday, September 5 2023 08.00 WIB – finished Mubyarto Room (Offline) and ZOOM Meeting (Online) Speakers: Dr. Muhammad Nur Huda, M.Pd. Syarief Fajaruddin, M.Pd. Registration:...
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FEB UNNES Integrated Laboratory and Accounting and Management Solutions Consultant (AMSOC) will hold Tax Brevet A and B Certification. Training will be held every Saturday and Sunday from September – October 2023 online (Zoom Meeting). The following facilities will be obtained: 1. Module in soft copy form. 2. One-time remediation for all training courses that...
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The leadership and academic community of the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) UNNES congratulate and succeed on the inauguration of the new professor at UNNES. 1. Prof. Dr. Ratna Dewi Kusumaningtyas, S.T., M.T. : Professor in Process Systems Engineering. 2. Prof. Dr. Heri Yudiono, S.Pd., M.T. : Professor in Management Science, Mechanical Engineering Education....
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In an effort to follow up on the collaboration between the FEB UNNES and PIP research teams in order to increase the independence of UMi (Ultra Micro) PIP debtors, FEB UNNES together with the Regional Office of the Ministry of Finance of Central Java and DIY Provinces carried out coordination meeting activities focused on organic...
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Semarang, 17 August 2023 – Universitas Negeri Semarang (UNNES) has successfully held the 2023 Introduction to Campus Life Program for New Students (PKKMB) with great enthusiasm. This event was held in a lively and memorable manner on the Independence Day of the Republic of Indonesia, Thursday, 17 August 2023 at Prof. Dumadi Field UNNES. A...
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Universitas Negeri Semarang in collaboration with Indonesian Higher Education Leadership (iHiLead) Erasmus+ held the second phase of leadership training. This activity is part of a series of efforts to increase leadership capacity in higher education institutions. Previously, the first stage of the training was successfully held in June 2023, and the second stage aims to...
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The Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB), Universitas Negeri Semarang added another number of professors. The new professor was confirmed on Wednesday, 5 July 2023 at the UNNES Auditorium building. At the inauguration, Universitas Negeri Semarang confirmed 10 professors from 6 faculties, namely FT (2 Professors), FBS (1 Professor), FISIP (2 Professors), FEB (2 Professors),...
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Pelatihan kepemimpinan membantu pemimpin memahami strategi terbaik untuk memberdayakan potensi individu dalam tim, mengoptimalkan kolaborasi, dan menciptakan lingkungan kerja yang produktif. Perlunya optimalisasi kemampuan pemimpin disadari oleh Universitas Negeri Semarang (UNNES) dengan menyelenggarakan pelatihan peningkatan kapasitas kepemimpinan perguruan tinggi yang bekerjasama dengan Erasmus+ Indonesian Higher Education Leadership (iHiLead). Pelatihan tersebut bertujuan untuk mengembangkan keterampilan kepemimpinan...
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Fakultas Ekonomika dan Bisnis (FEB) UNNES telah membuka pendaftaran penerimaan mahasiswa baru pada empat program studi baru dan program studi magister untuk Semester Gasal 2023/2024. Program Sarjana (Prodi Baru) Program Sarjana Ekonomi dan Keuangan Islam telah membuka pendaftaran untuk perkuliahan yang dimulai pada Semester Gasal 2023/2024. Pendaftaran tersebut dilakukan melalui Seleksi Mandiri meliputi: Jalur Rapot   ...
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Bagi mahasiswa FEB UNNES yang tertarik untuk mengikuti UNNES Lantip Angkatan 3 Tahun 2023 berikut beberapa informasi yang harus diperhatikan. Persyaratan Pendaftaran Mahasiswa UNNES aktif minimal Semester 6 IPK minimal 2,75 Sehat jasmani dan rohani Tidak sedang menjalani hukuman/ sanksi akademik dari UNNES Telah menempuh mata kuliah dan lulus minimal 90 sks Telah lulus Mata...
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