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Another proud achievement was made by FEB UNNES students. This time the Team from the Management Study Program consisting of: 1. Mohammad Fatahullah (Management, 2019) 2. Rifka Dyah Ayu Puspita (Management, 2021) Supervisor: Siti Ridloah, S.E., M.Mgmt. Successfully won 2nd place in the 2023 Capital Market Research Report Competition organized by the Universitas Islam Nahdlatul Ulama Jepara (UNISNU) online. Congratulations and success to the Management Team. Use this achievement as...
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Friday, 25 August 2023 – Dharma Wanita UNNES held a Singing Competition which was attended by Dharma Wanita within the UNNES environment. This activity was carried out in the Prof. Wuryanto Auditorium UNNES and the FEB UNNES team won Best Supporter. Congratulations and success for Dharma Wanita FEB UNNES. FEB Brillian!
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In an effort to follow up on the collaboration between the FEB UNNES and PIP research teams in order to increase the independence of UMi (Ultra Micro) PIP debtors, FEB UNNES together with the Regional Office of the Ministry of Finance of Central Java and DIY Provinces carried out coordination meeting activities focused on organic farming training for UMi PIP debtors and Digital Creation Incubator System. To optimize the framework...
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News of the achievement came from a team of accounting students consisting of Tegar Liendas Fajar (Accounting, 2021), Dina Nur Himmatina (Accounting, 2022), and Ririn Hariyanti (Accounting, 2022) under the guidance of Mrs. Richatu Jannah, S.E., M.Ak. won a Bronze Medal in the KOIN 2023 competition.KOIN or Kime on Ideas Competition is an annual competition organized by the Komunitas Ilmiah Mahasiswa Ekonomi (KIME) FEB UNNES. This year is the 9th...
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Tegar Liendas Fajar is an Accounting student (2021). Tegar took part in the Tax Center competition organized by the UIN Jakarta. In this competition, Tegar won 2nd place.We wish congratulations and continued success for Tegar and FEB students. Its time to shine!
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