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Untuk mempererat tali silahturahmi, Fakultas Ekonomi UNNES mengadakan halal bihal. Kegiatan ini dilaksanakan pada Sabtu, 6 Mei 2023 di Aula Fakultas Ekonomi bertajuk Pererat Silahturahmi menuju FE Cemerlang. Dalam halal bihalal kali ini, FE mengundang Ustadz Dimas Anafadli (Ketua Umum BKPRMI Jateng) untuk memberikan tausyiah kepada keluarga besar Fakultas Ekonomi UNNES. Melalui kegiatan halal bihalal ini diharapkan bisa saling memaafkan dengan ikhlas atas kesalahan kita di masa lalu dan semoga...
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Welcome to Universitas Negeri Semarang. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start writing!
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Universitas Negeri Semarang (UNNES) kembali berpartisipasi dalam workshop dari Indonesian Higher Education Leadership (iHiLead) Erasmus Programme. Ini merupakan rangkaian proyek iHilead yang telah diinisiasi sejak tahun 2021. Workshop bertajuk “Evaluation and Redevelopment Workshop on iHiLead Leadership and Management Development Programme (LMDP)/Leadership and Management Development Network (LMDN)” dilaksanakan selama 4 hari pada tanggal 20-23 Februari 2021 di Kampus UAD Yogyakarta. Selain dihadiri oleh 7 universitas yang tergabung dalam proyek iHiLead- UNNES,...
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Semarang, Indonesia – February 15, 2023 – The Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) at Semarang State University (UNNES) proudly announces the establishment of an Environmental Economics Research Center under the auspices of the Conservation Group. The inauguration ceremony took place at the Mohammad Hatta Auditorium, Faculty of Economics and Business, UNNES, on February 15, 2023. The initiative, spearheaded by the Conservation Group, aims to address the pressing need for...
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Economic Faculty, Universitas Negeri Semarang (Unnes), successfully held the International Conference on Economics, Business and Economic Education (ICE-BEES) 2021. ICE-BEES 2021 will be held for two days on 27-28 July 2021 with the theme “Innovation in economics, business, and education for a sustainable environment during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Dean of the Faculty of Economics, Professor Heri Yanto, M.B.A, Ph.D, in his welcoming speech said that ICE-BEES 2021 aims to develop...
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