Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh
Alhamdulillahirobbil alamin. Praise be to Allah SWT for His blessings and guidance to all of us. We would like to welcome you to the website of the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences of Semarang State University (FISIP UNNES).
It is an honor and pride for us to introduce FISIP UNNES through this website to the entire community, especially to partners and stakeholders. FISIP UNNES has a vision to become a faculty with a world reputation and a pioneer of educational brilliance with a conservation outlook, has produced graduates who are competent, competitive, and professional in the fields of education and non-education / vocational social sciences based on national and global social values.
FISIP UNNES graduates who are competent, competitive, and professional can be realized because of the development and implementation of the study program curriculum according to national standards of higher education, and are always responsive to the demands of society and the times in the current global and digital era. The curriculum implemented at this time is based on the Indonesian National Qualifications Framework (KKNI) and the Independent College Learning Curriculum or Independent Campus, so that students and graduates can master various sciences that are useful for entering the world of work.
FISIP UNNES at this time, organizes 8 (eight) study programs that can be a choice of study for prospective students, both educational and non-educational / vocational study programs. The study programs are: History Education S1 (Accreditation A), History Science S1 (Accreditation A), Geography Education S1 (Accreditation A), Geography S1 (Accreditation A, International Accreditation AQAS), Pancasila and Citizenship Education S1 (Accreditation A), Political Science S1 (Accreditation B), and Sociology and Anthropology Education S1 (Superior Accreditation), and Social Studies Education S1 (Superior Accreditation). In the future, FISIP UNNES plans to open and organize new study programs in the social humanities in an effort to meet the expectations and demands of the community in the world of education as well as in the business world and the industrial world.
FISIP UNNES also continues to improve, organize, increase the quantity and quality of educational facilities and infrastructure so that they can be of national standard, and are expected to be able to compete and compete with superior domestic universities and other universities in the world. This is done in an effort to ensure the implementation of excellent service, especially to students, lecturers, and alumni, and support the optimal performance of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education.
In addition, lecturers, students, and Centers of Studies at FISIP UNNES have also produced scientific works through research, and most of them have been implemented in community service activities that are beneficial for the preservation, protection, and development of the social environment, social values, social capital, and social heritage with national and international networks.
FISIP UNNES is also always ready and open to establish cooperation in the context of institutional development and the Tri Dharma of Higher Education with various public and private institutions / institutions, both universities, schools, the business world and the industrial world, and others, domestically and abroad.
Our thanks go to all the people who have entrusted their sons/daughters to study at FISIP UNNES, as well as to all partners and stakeholders who have collaborated and contributed to the development and progress of FISIP UNNES.
Likewise, we expect input, suggestions and constructive criticism from the entire community to continue to improve and improve our services. Thank you.
Wassalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh
Semarang, June 2023