The Student Executive Board of the Faculty of Social Sciences, State University of Semarang (BEM FISIP UNNES) is the executive body for implementing programs at the Faculty level. BEM FISIP UNNES is the highest executive body in the existing Student Organization (LK) at the faculty level which acts like a government agency. The main task of BEM is to dynamize student affairs in the campus environment through intelligence and empowerment of students at the lower levels. BEM FISIP UNNES consists of the Daily Management (PH) consisting of the Chairman and Vice Chairman of BEM, Secretary and Treasurer, 1 bureau (Organizational Management Bureau), and 8 Departments namely the Department of Social Society, Department of Social Politics, Department of Advocacy and Relations, Department of Knowledge, Department of Arts and Sports, Department of Organizational Development, Department of Entrepreneurship and Department of Communication and Information.
The Student Representative Council of the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Negeri Semarang (DPM FISIP UNNES) is the highest student legislative institution at the level of the FISIP UNNES. DPM FISIP UNNES is a student representative body whose board members come from various departmental choices and study programmes equipped with expert staff. It has three functions: legislative, aspirational, supervisory and budgetary with 10 legal products that govern the entire student, student institution and semi-autonomous body. There is a significant programme of work that we have designed for the benefit of Student Families, including the National Legislative Fee (@gebyarlegislator), the School of Legislature (@skl.fisip_unnes), and the Basic Legislation Training (@tld.fisip_unes). Thus, DPM FISIP UNNES is expected to be able to realize the aspirations of the entire layer of students so that members of the DPM should pay attention to the interests of the students of FISIP UNNES as a whole.
The History Student Association is a forum for students majoring in history at Universitas Negeri Semarang to develop their abilities, gain experience, and develop themselves in organizations. In 1999, the History Students Association had various activities supporting student creativity in academic and non-academic fields. Some of the activity agendas held by the History Students Association include the History Scream Fest (HSF), an arts and sports competition for UNNES history students. This year’s HSF consists of 6 competitions and is held offline on the FISIP UNNES campus through several platforms provided by the History Students Association. This activity aims to facilitate the talents, interests, and creativity of UNNES history students. Then. History Student Familiarity (KEMAS) is an activity at the beginning of the new academic year that aims to familiarize new students in the History Department. This activity took place in the Kopeng Magelang tourist village, interspersed with fun games and art performances, and there were also posts about history student friendship at every location in the Kopeng tourist village—and included with this Month of Heroes activities.
HIMA PKn, or Politics and Citizenship Students Association, is a student institution (LK) in the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences of the Universitas Negeri Semarang. HIMA PKn combines two study programs: the PPKn Study Program and the Political Science Study Program. HIMA PKn is a container for students who want to deepen their knowledge of organizations, channel talents, and form characters ready for the future. Besides, the organization focuses on controlling issues of politics and citizenship, student welfare, and information providers for students. HIMA also continues to work to realize the principles of Tri Dharma College through the existing work program. HIMA PKn has several work programs, including Upgrading, Bulan Pancasila, PEPCI (Pengenalan Politik dan Civic – Orientation of Politic and Civic Study Program), Papijur (Pemilihan Putra Putri Jurusan – Selection of The Best PKn Student), Studi Banding (Benchmarking Student Association), Dialog Jurusan (Dialogue of Students and Stakeholders), and other work programs. The whole program is designed to achieve good organizational quality.
HIMA SosAnt, or Sociology and Anthropology Student Association, is a Student Institution at the Sociology and Anthropology Education study program level located at the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Semarang State University. HIMA SosAnt has the slogan “Sepi Ing Pamrih Rame ing Gawe,” which aims to form and develop students who have faith and devotion to God Almighty, are scientifically insightful, critical, consistently realistic, responsible, have noble personalities, have social solidarity, are loyal to the state and nation. And alma mater. It functions as a forum for increasing devotion to God Almighty, a forum for scientific and personality development, a forum for developing knowledge about organizations, a forum for channeling aspirations and information as well as unifying Sociology and Anthropology students, a forum for developing skills and creativity for Sociology and Anthropology students and also a forum for implementing the Three Principles. Darma College. HIMA SosAnt focuses on activities aimed at forming and increasing intellectual horizons in academic people, developing the Tri Dharma of Higher Education in a further sense, namely expanding the role of Sociology and Anthropology students in campus development and the development of the wider community. These goals and functions are outlined in the Work Program, including PORSATIM (Inter-Team Sports and Arts Week), SKS (SosAnt Family Sharing), SAC (Sociology Anthropology Competition), SosAnt Ambassador, PULSA (General Introduction to Environmental Sociology and Anthropology SANEC (Sociology and Anthropology National Essay Competition), SANFEST (Sociology and Anthropology Night Festival), HUN (Day for the Nation), Pemira and so on. Also supported by agendas, including Book Review, Discussion, SosAnt Futsal, SosAnt Badminton, SosAnt Tari, and SosAnt. Music, MUTERS (Pers Pearls), and so on.
HIMA Social Studies Education Study Program, or Students Association of Social Studies Education Study Program, is a scholarship institution at the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences of the Universitas Negeri Semarang. HIMA PIPS becomes a container for all IPS education students to develop talent interests, enhance soft skills, add knowledge about the organization, and act as a facilitator of aspirations. To our prosperity, HIMA PIPS has a work program among them, which is as follows: DIALOKA, an acronym for Dialogue of Excellence, aims to enhance the sense of nationalism and excellence through an open dialogue that brings together elements ranging from academics and practitioners to students. Next is the National Social Masterpiece, a national-level essay and poster competition. Then, the Projects of Public Devotion, PEMPI, Arts and Sports Week, and Sports Prodi Education IPS, commonly called PSIODIPS, Euphorience, Economy Sharing, Jimpitan Scholarship, and information advocacy services. It’s not just an extensive program but an incidental program like funding. So, in our short profile, let’s take a role with HIMA Education IPS Universitas Negeri Semarang.
KSG Social Adventure Club is a semi-autonomous organization (BSO) at the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences of the Universitas Negeri Semarang (FISIP UNNES). KSG SAC is a container for students who want to learn to organize, channel talents, shape character, study, and deepen science in experience, environment, and society as a form of commitment to the community. KSG SAC consists of the Daily Manager (PH), which includes the Chairman, the Secretary, and the Treasurer, the Organizational Bureau, and the Science Division (Conservation, Navigation, Mountain Forest).
The Kepanduan Praja Muda Karana Movement, or The Pramuka Movement, was a combination of the entire Indonesian leadership during the period of independence.
The Pramuka Movement is expected to be a means of moral education and character suitable for the younger generation because the young generation influences the country’s or nation’s progress. This advancement in Indonesia has been applied to various levels of education such as SD/MI, SMP/MTs, SMA/SMK/MA to college, with the presence of the Front Group in the school as an extracurricular activity, where its members voluntarily joined to be part of that Front Group itself.
One of the colleges that organizes the opening in Indonesia is the State University of Semarang (UNNES), with the Front Group of Semarang 14.111-14.112. In this era, the existence of superstition in various colleges blew up, but the prevalence of superstition in UNNES can still demonstrate and maintain its existence. The institution’s name for the vertical level of the college is Package and Ravana. In UNNES itself, packaging and plan are Wijaya-Tunggawijaya, with several memberships that can be counted, including the most fans compared to other colleges. In addition, the organization system is unique because it uses the training group and sub-group training system. The training group and training subgroup organize each faculty’s Wijaya-Tunggawijaya Unnes Pramuka movement. The training group of Social Sciences and Political Sciences itself is in the Faculty of Social and Politics Sciences (FISIP), which is one of the nine Training Groups at the State University of Semarang which has the main task of recruiting, coordinating and providing a place to channel talents of interest to follow the lead in FISIP as well as providing education and training provided by a son coordinator and daughter coordinator assisted by secretaries, treasuries, son and daughter household offices, plus several fields such as Surface Studies (Kajipram), Surface Activities (Giatpram), Community Devotion (Abdimas), and the field of Evaluation and Development. (Evabang).
It also has an honorary board of the Social Science and Political Science Training Group, which consists of the Dean, the FISIP Pramuka Builder, and members who have completed their term of office.
The English and Research Community is a semi-autonomous body (BSO) at the level of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Political Sciences of the State University of Semarang. ERC aims to provide a container for UNNES FISIP students to develop their skills and talents in English and Scientific Writing. The ERC consists of the Daily Manager (PH), which includes the chairman, Vice-Chair, Secretary, and Treasurer, as well as several departments that include ISD (Interdisciplinary Research Development), ESD (English Skill Development), RID (Relation Information Development), and IRD. (Integrated Social Development). ERC has work programs such as the ERC Festival, Share ERC, School of Science, and Weekly English Practice. ERC membership consists of various courses available at FISIP, thus adding a broader relationship and experience.
Geography Student Association (HIMA)
The Geography Student Association is a Student Organization (LK) which is located at the level of the Geography Department, and consists of all Geography students. HIMA Geography organizationally consists of Daily Management (PH) which includes the Chairperson of Hima, Vice Chairperson, Secretary and Treasurer.
Komunitas Ilmu Sosial Untuk Seni (KISS)
The Semi-Autonomous Body Organization (BSO) of the Social Science Community for the Arts (KISS) is a BSO of FIS UNNES students who are involved as a forum for the talents and interests and potential of FIS UNNES students in the arts. BSO KISS itself is led by a Chairperson and a deputy Chairperson and assisted by a Secretary and Treasurer.
Islamic Spirituality Faculty of Social Sciences (KIFS)
Semi-autonomous Body Organization (BSO) Islamic Spirituality Faculty of Social Sciences (KIFS) which is then abbreviated as KIFS which is located at PKM FIS. KIFS was established in September 1998, this organization is one of the tough organizations and always enlivens the stage of campus dynamics.