Universitas Negeri Semarang (UNNES) proudly held the 116th National Awakening Day commemoration ceremony on May 20, 2024. The ceremony, which took place on the field of the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIP), became an important moment to strengthen the sense of togetherness and fighting spirit among the academic community.
National Awakening Day, commemorated every May 20, is a historical moment that reminds us of the struggle of the heroes in achieving independence and encouraging the spirit of nationalism. This year, UNNES is committed to commemorate the day solemnly through a ceremony involving all elements of the campus.
The ceremony began at 07.00 WIB with the raising of the Red and White flag accompanied by the national anthem Indonesia Raya. UNNES Rector, Prof. Dr. S Martono, M.Si., acted as the master of ceremony. In his speech, he conveyed the importance of the spirit of national awakening in the context of education and nation building. “National awakening is not only remembering the past, but also preparing for a better future through education, innovation, and hard work,” said Prof. Martono.
The ceremony was attended by lecturers, students, and all UNNES administrative staff. UNNES invites the entire academic community to actively participate in various activities that support the spirit of national awakening. This ceremony is a form of UNNES’ commitment to continue the struggle of the heroes by producing a young generation with excellence and character, ready to face global challenges.
The 116th National Awakening Day ceremony at UNNES is an important momentum to reflect on the values of struggle and nationalism that have been inherited by the founding fathers. Through this commemoration, it is hoped that the spirit of national awakening will continue to live and inspire the younger generation to contribute to the development of a better nation.
Let us together continue the spirit of national awakening and make this moment a driving force for a more advanced and prosperous Indonesia. The spirit of national awakening, the spirit for an advanced Indonesia!