Semarang (7/9/2023), Lecturers of Political Science & Pancasila and Citizenship Education FISIP UNNES held a service activity in the form of socialization of simultaneous election stages in 2024 to increase political participation for novice voters. This service was chaired by Mr. Hafiz Rafi Uddin, S.H., S.Pd.I, M.H. with members Mr. Ruhadi, S.Pd., M.Pd., M.Sos. and Mr. Erisandi Arditama, S.IP, M.A. and involved 3 students to help implement community service. The community service was held in the meeting room of Gunungpati Sub-district, Semarang City at 20.00 WIB until 22.00 WIB with participants of novice voters in Gunungpati Sub-district, Semarang City.
In this socialization activity, there were two speakers, namely Mr. Erisandi Arditama, S.IP., M.A., Lecturer with a concentration in Institutional Studies and Local Politics as the first speaker who discussed basic theoretical concepts and electoral academic studies as well as the importance of beginner voter participation in improving the quality of democracy in Indonesia. The second resource person was the Chairperson of the Gunungpati District Election Committee, Mr. Muhammad Nur Hamid S.IP, who discussed technical matters in participating in the Simultaneous Election which will be held on February 14, 2024 and ensuring that novice voters are registered as permanent voters until election time arrives.
The community service event went smoothly. The event began with the opening and singing of the Indonesia Raya song, then continued with remarks from the chairman of the community service committee, then reading prayers, after completion, proceeded to the core event, namely the delivery of material from two speakers and discussions and questions and answers. after completing the discussion session, the event was closed by the MC.
The head of community service, Mr. Hafiz Rafi Uddin, S.H., S.Pd.I, M.H. hopes that with this socialization, novice voters will understand the stages of the simultaneous elections in 2024 and use their voting rights properly so as not to abstain or be apathetic in the upcoming democratic party. In his remarks, Mr. Hafiz also wanted the socialization participants to be the front guard to invite other novice voters to vote in the 2024 simultaneous elections.