On Thursday, December 21, 2023, the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences of Semarang State University (FISIP UNNES) held an annual reflection event, highlighting the achievements and challenges faced during the current year. This event was a profound moment to celebrate a journey full of dynamics and challenges in providing quality and relevant education for students.
In his remarks, Dr. Arif Purnomo, S.Pd., S.S., M.Pd., Dean of FISIP UNNES, expressed his sincere appreciation for the achievements of the faculty’s Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). These achievements reflect the commitment and dedication of all parties involved in maintaining the quality of education.
Dean Arif Purnomo encouraged lecturers and education personnel to continue to improve the quality of education and achieve the KPI target of the faculty with a burning spirit of innovation. In this context, FISIP UNNES remains steadfast in promoting scientific and ethical values in the midst of changes that never stop.
At the end of the activity, the FISIP Award was given to appreciate the academic community of FISIP UNNES. The first award was given to the undergraduate study program with the best achievement of 8 KPIs given to Geography Education Study Program S1 and Geography Master Study Program.
Next award is the category of lecturer with the highest Sinta score for three consecutive years was given to Prof. Dr. Juhadi, M.Si. And the lecturer with the best learning was awarded to Erisandi Arditama, S.I.P., M.A.
The next award was the most dedicated education staff given to Sriadi, A.Md. Then the most dedicated security guard was achieved by M. Syaiufudin. And the last is the most dedicated janitor given to Kamadi.
FISIP UNNES, on its feet, is ready to welcome the new year with an innovative spirit that has no limits. All parties in this faculty stand firm, ready to face new challenges and make the coming year a stage for more achievements and innovations.