Friday (11/17) the FISIP field, which is usually quiet, seemed thunderous and noisy full of students who passed by holding their stalls. The sound of music began to be heard and broke the quiet atmosphere that morning. The field was full of trataks that had been arranged since Thursday afternoon.
Yes, today the campus held FISIP Expo 2023 as an effort to strengthen the entrepreneurial spirit of students. FISIP Expo 2023 is an event that provides an opportunity for students to sell various products or services, as an output of the Entrepreneurship Course attended by students. A total of 245 tenants (student groups) from all study programs in FISIP participated in enlivening FISIP Expo 2023.
The event began at 07.00 WIB at the FISIP Field, starting with a speech by the committee chairman, Nurul Fatimah, S.Pd., M.Si. and was officially opened by the Vice Dean I for Academic and Student Affairs of FISIP, Dr.scient.med. Fadly Husain, S.Sos., M.Si.
“Alhamdulillah, on this sunny day we will organize FISIP Expo 2023, which is followed by 245 tenants, with details of 61 tenants from Sosant Study Program, 51 tenants from Civics Study Program, 18 tenants from Social Studies Study Program, 31 tenants from History Study Program, and 84 tenants from Geography Study Program. Each with a varied type of business, including 117 wet culinary businesses, 43 dry culinary, 35 drink & desert businesses, 26 fashion & handicraft businesses, and 24 service & e-commerce businesses “. Nurul explained as Chairman of the Committee of FISIP Expo 2023.
FISIP Expo 2023 was sponsored by Toyota, Suzuki, Wardah, and Identix Batik. The event was also enlivened by the Kiss’s Got Talent event, including the Semarangan Gado-gado Dance performance, song offerings from Simphony FISIP Choir, modern dance performance from KISS Dance Crew, “Jeng Menul” theater performance by WTS, song offerings by Sunday Kiss.
On the sidelines of the event, there was also a socialization of the 2024 Election by Bawaslu Semarang City, followed by the signing of an MoU for the implementation of Healthy Elections on the FISIP UNNES campus.
The event lasted until the afternoon, filled with dangdut music performances by Kempling Entertainment. The event ended with the announcement and awarding of the winners of the FISIP Expo 2023.
Please note that the Expo FISIP 2023 event takes place for 3 consecutive days. On Saturday, Sanfest 2023 will be organized by HIMA Sociology and Anthropology. Activities will be filled with painting exhibitions, ecomedia, interest and talent performances, and student entrepreneurship expos. On Sunday will be filled with activities for the Selection of Putra Putri PKn Department organized by HIMA Pancasila and Citizenship Education.