During a visit to Pura Agung Giri Natha on May 18, 2023, which was attended by several group members, namely Fifi Prasetyo Sari, Salsabila Jihan Syafira, Raihan Rahmat Darmawan, A’yun Kamalia Azhari, and Apri Filu Leresia, they looked at some real data at the location.
A. Overview
Agung Giri Natha Temple is a place of worship or a holy place for Hindus. This temple is located at Jalan Sumbing No. 12, Bendungan Village, Gajahmungkur District, Semarang City, Central Java. Agung Giri Natha Temple is one of five temples in the city of Semarang. These temples are Agung Giri Natha Temple, Amertasari Temple, Saraswati Temple, Satya Dharma Temple, and Buwana Mandala Temple. This temple, which is located on the Sumbing hill, is the largest and most complete temple and a religious tourism destination in the city of Semarang, with a temple area of approximately 2,000 m2.

B. History
Agung Giri Natha Temple was built because of a suggestion from Hindus around 1967 or 1968 because previously Hindus worshiped from house to house. The initial name of the Agung Giri Natha temple is Paharyangan Mandalagiri. On October 10, 1996, the Parahyangan Mandalagiri temple was ready to be used as a place of worship. Temple construction stage Arranged starting from building Padmasana Bale, Pawadean, Panglurahan, Bale Simpen, Pengaruman Hall, Penengker Wall, and Bale Bengong Temple. Bale Ringgit, Taman Sari, and other supporting facilities On April 4, 2004, the Governor of Central Java, Mardiyanto, inaugurated the Giri Natha Temple as the largest and most complete place of worship for these people in Semarang. Agung Giri Natha Temple was guided by Imade Sutapa.
C. Value value
The community in Bendungan Village, Gajahmungkur Subdistrict, is a society with a fairly high plurality; this is indicated by the great diversity of ethnicity, religion, race, and intergroup. This humane and harmonious interaction is like that within the scope of Pura Agung Giri Natha, which employs many people who are outside the Hindu religion. Various community activities in Bendungan Village are generally carried out at the Agung Giri Natha Temple. Based on the facts above, it can be concluded that even though we are different, we must still maintain harmony with each other. Temple, as a social religious place, is used for cultural development, education, as a place of deliberation for Tempek residents, and as a place for religious tourism. The multi-function of the Agung Giri Natha temple is a form of transformation of the value of awareness in understanding, living, and reflecting on its religious attitude.
Semarang City Hindus express their religious emotions through religious ritual ceremonies by presenting offerings to Ida Sang Hyang Widi Wasa. The educational value of the ceremony at the Agung Giri Natha temple is related to all aspects of Tri Hita Karana that are implemented in the relationship between the Semarang Hindu community and the surrounding community and their devotion to God.
D. Benefits
Agung Giri Natha Temple itself is widely used as a place of worship for Hindus in the city of Semarang, both for routine worship and religious holidays. Agung Giri Natha Temple has its own sections. First, the main purpose of the mandala is to carry out prayer activities. Second, Madya Mandala, which is engaged in social activities, debates, art, and sports, In this place, everyone is welcome to come and practice any activity. Third, Nista Mandala is in a prime location and is used as a parking lot, toilets, and for other social activities. And also, the Agung Giri Natha Temple is now used as a religious tour or for public tourism, not only as a place of worship.
And the message that we as students can take has a very important role here, namely strengthening tolerance for the future of a nation. Especially in the current era of globalization, which creates many problems for religious people, Tolerance must be practiced wherever we are, not only on campus. The challenge of continuing to support the unity and integrity of Indonesia is our duty as the younger generation, the next generation of the nation, to strengthen and support mutual respect and awareness of tolerance in every society, including those of various kinds. Ethnicity and religion, government and racial background—we are the same and will remain one, Indonesia.
Written by: A’yun Kamalia Azhari, Apri Filu Leresia, Fifi Prasetyo Sari, Salsabila Jihan Syafira, Raihan Rahmat Darmawan