On Saturday, May 20, 2023, in the morning, a mahogany tree planting activity was carried out as part of fulfilling the tasks of a social conservation project in Tampingan Village, Boja District, Kendal Regency. This activity aims to strengthen the soil foundation structure in the highlands by planting mahogany trees. The reason for choosing the mahogany tree is because this tree has the characteristics of a strong root system and is able to bind the soil.
This tree planting activity was carried out on vacant land, which is an area prone to soil erosion. This is due to the lack of plants that have a deep root system. So planting mahogany trees is very suitable as an effort to strengthen soil foundations and prevent erosion. It is hoped that planting mahogany trees can reduce soil erosion in the area.
The planting activity began with a prayer led by Mr. Karman, the head of the RT. Then the students prepared mahogany tree seeds and tools for digging holes. Prior to planting, Mr. Karman gave directions so that the trees to be planted were spaced at least 4 meters apart; this was intended for maximum tree growth. After being given directions, participants were divided into three groups to plant in a predetermined location. Each group is responsible for digging a hole and planting some trees. At the specified location, students dig a hole with a diameter of 30 cm and a depth of 20 cm. At the bottom of the hole, compost is given as a source of nutrients needed by the tree. Then the tree is inserted, and the hole is backfilled.
This planting activity is one of the concrete proofs of UNNES students commitment to preserving the surrounding environment. This is in accordance with one of the UNNES conservation pillars, namely protecting natural resources and the environment. In addition, this activity is also expected to be a character lesson for the students involved in it, so that they want to be as involved in protecting nature as possible.

This tree planting activity was organized by several UNNES Geography students to complete social conservation project assignments. Students participating in this activity were: Riky Setiawan (3211422131), Andika Pangestu (3211422131), Michael Fransdiego (3211422157), Hafizh Naufal Arya Pradipa (3211422162), Dika Adi Nugroho (3211422147), Najeeh Noor Reyhan (3211422148), Guntoro Adi Saputro (3211422143), Christoper Justin Aprilyano Putra (3211422153), and Ilham Nursaid Dwi Prayogo (3211422145).