Winner of the National Essay Competition for the 15th Anniversary of the Faculty of Economics, Semarang State University Semarang

Universitas Negeri Semarang > FEB UNNES > Uncategorized > Winner of the National Essay Competition for the 15th Anniversary of the Faculty of Economics, Semarang State University Semarang

In order to enliven the anniversary, the Faculty of Economics has successfully held a National Essay Competition for students throughout Indonesia.

The pandemic condition does not make you unproductive in your work. This is proven by the enthusiasm of young Indonesian scholars in their contribution to registering for this National Essay Competition.

The essay competition, which was held with 6 types of sub-themes, was successful in getting 253 participants from 65 universities throughout Indonesia

1st place was won by Kiang Santan (Bengkulu University), 2nd Place Nur Saidah (Semarang State University), 3rd Place Rima Murtiningsih (Semarang State University), 1st Place of Hope Anil Fardayansyah (Jember State Polytechnic), and 2nd Place of Hope Arif Rohman Fauzi ( Brawijaya University).

In addition to giving prizes in the form of coaching money and certificates to 5 winners, an ISBN book presentation was also given with the title “Innovation and Creation of the Millennial Generation as an Effort to Restore Indonesia’s Post-pandemic Conditions”. The book contains 15 essays from the 15 best finalists who have been selected by the jury. This book was launched at the 15th Anniversary of FE UNNES on June 10, 2021.

Congratulations to all participants who won the National Essay Competition in the framework of the 15th Anniversary of the Faculty of Economics, State University of Semarang. I hope you can always work and achieve.

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