The Second Phase of Higher Education Leadership Improvement Training was Successfully Organized by UNNES with iHiLead Erasmus+

Universitas Negeri Semarang > FEB UNNES > News > The Second Phase of Higher Education Leadership Improvement Training was Successfully Organized by UNNES with iHiLead Erasmus+

Universitas Negeri Semarang in collaboration with Indonesian Higher Education Leadership (iHiLead) Erasmus+ held the second phase of leadership training. This activity is part of a series of efforts to increase leadership capacity in higher education institutions. Previously, the first stage of the training was successfully held in June 2023, and the second stage aims to implement a change project in dealing with organizational complexity in the current era.

This activity consisted of workshops and management of change projects that took place at the Oak Tree Hotel, Semarang, on Thursday, July 20 2023. The workshop was held in two sessions featuring Dr. P. Erianto Hasibuan and Afit Istiandaru, M.Pd as resource persons. Dr. Erianto, who is familiarly called, discussed leadership challenges in managing organizations in an increasingly challenging era of Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity (BANI). Erianto gave material on change management in organizations, and the workshop ended with participants working on the Eisenhower Matrix for priority decision making.

The second session of the workshop was led by Afit, who provided material on leaders’ reluctance to change and steps to change leader immunity. The workshop which was filled by Afit took place enthusiastically, involving many participants who were lecturers with additional duties as study program coordinators and education staff, including sub-coordinators and coordinators who had previously attended the first stage of leadership training. After the workshop, in the second session, the participants continued with presentations regarding the implementation of projects that had been carried out, accompanied by mentors. This activity aims to provide an opportunity for participants to share their experiences and results from the implementation of the projects they have undertaken after attending the first stage of the training.

Dorojatun Prihandono, Ph.D., as the chief organizer of the activity, expressed his appreciation and gratitude to all participants, resource persons, and parties involved in the success of this workshop. Dodi, as he is affectionately known, hopes that the lessons and experiences gained from the training can be applied in a real way and have a positive impact on improving leadership in the higher education environment in the future. In addition, this training also provides a forum for discussion and collaboration with participants, enabling the exchange of experiences and leadership practices between participants, thus further enriching their understanding and leadership skills.

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