The FEB Team Wins a Bronze Medal in KOIN 2023

Universitas Negeri Semarang > FEB UNNES > Achievement > The FEB Team Wins a Bronze Medal in KOIN 2023

News of the achievement came from a team of accounting students consisting of Tegar Liendas Fajar (Accounting, 2021), Dina Nur Himmatina (Accounting, 2022), and Ririn Hariyanti (Accounting, 2022) under the guidance of Mrs. Richatu Jannah, S.E., M.Ak. won a Bronze Medal in the KOIN 2023 competition.
KOIN or Kime on Ideas Competition is an annual competition organized by the Komunitas Ilmiah Mahasiswa Ekonomi (KIME) FEB UNNES. This year is the 9th year the competition has been held. The 9th KOIN 2023 carries the theme “Optimizing the Role of the Young Generation as Agents of Change for Inclusive Development in Welcoming Indonesia Golden 2045”. This competition consists of a series of selections and events starting from abstract selection, full paper selection, posters, and the grand final. The competition was attended by 58 universities in Indonesia such as UGM, UI, ITB, UNDIP, UNS, UM, UB, Institut Teknologi PLN, Telkom University, etc.
Hopefully this proud achievement can provide strong motivation and determination for FEB students to dare to take steps and achieve glory.

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