The Center for Accounting Education Studies Held Workshop about Village Financial Systems (Siskeudes 2.0)

Universitas Negeri Semarang > FEB UNNES > Uncategorized > The Center for Accounting Education Studies Held Workshop about Village Financial Systems (Siskeudes 2.0)

Keep improving knowledge is very important for lecturers. Lecturers as professional educators must be able to respond to the needs of society. Based on the 2013 revised Vocational High School (SMK) Business and Management curriculum, there are new basic competencies in the Agency / Institution Accounting specialization program. The basic competence is to implement an agency/institution accounting practicum focusing on accounting for local and village governments. Therefore, as a provision for learning, a workshop on applying the Village Financial System Application (Siskeudes 2.0) is conducted for accounting education lecturers. Currently, every village has used the SISKEUDES application, and schools that must respond to these needs. So that when students do industrial work practices in the village can use this application.

The follow-up of this workshop activity was a simulation of students’ use of the SISKEUDES 2.0 application. So that students are ready to teach Village Accounting practicum during PPL.

The Vice Dean 3, Dr. Kusmuriyanto, opened the event, M.Si, accompanied by the Head of the Economic Education Department Ahmad Nurkhin, S.Pd, M.Si.

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