Universitas Negeri Semarang > FEB UNNES > Uncategorized > TESTS THAT MUST BE TAKEN TO BECOME A CPNS

By: Risma Nur Anissa, S.Pd.

Towards the end of 2018 finally CPNS registration was reopened after a moratorium for approximately 4 years. This is certainly a breath of fresh air for people who still want to become State Civil Apparatus (ASN). CPNS registration is open to those aged 18-35 years. This means that this is a great opportunity for the millennial generation to become ASN. CPNS registration itself has been echoed since the beginning of 2018 then after going through various delays including because most regions are also having a big event for the simultaneous regional elections on 27 June 2018, CPNS recruitment officially opened on 27 September 2018.

The CPNS registrants certainly make various preparations to face the exam with this Computer Assisted Test (CAT) system. There are already many books and applications circulating in the Play Store and App Store to help participants prepare for the CPNS test. The CPNS exam consists of two stages, namely SKD (Basic Competency Selection) and SKB (Field Competency Selection). All participants who register must take the SKD exam first to be ranked and several participants with the highest scores are taken to take the SKB. This ranking is based on the number of scores obtained by participants who pass the passing grade (threshold value). The passing grades that must be met by participants have been determined for each subtest. Participants must obtain a score above the passing grade in order to enter the rankings. Then, taken 3x the number of formations with the highest value ranking. So it should be noted that passing the passing grade is not a guarantee of being able to advance to the SKB.

The SKD test consists of 3 components, namely the National Insight Test (TWK), General Intelligence Test (TIU), and Personality Test (TKP). For each correct TWK and TIU questions, participants will get a score of 5, if wrong they will get a score of 0. For the TKP itself there is no right or wrong in the process, each answer choice already has a score of 1-5 respectively. The TWK test consists of 35 questions that test the extent of participants’ knowledge about Pancasila, the 1945 Constitution, Bhineka Tunggal Ika, the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia, nationalism, integrity, defending the country, the pillars of the state to Indonesian. The TIU test tests verbal, numerical, figural, logical thinking and analytical thinking skills. While the crime scene test tests socio-cultural, creativity and innovation, professionalism, work level, self-integrity, achievement spirit, ability to mobilize and coordinate others, ability to work together in groups, public services, information and communication technology, orientation to others, adaptability, self-control, work independently and thoroughly, as well as the willingness and ability to continue learning as well as service orientation (Permenpan No.36 of 2018).

From the TWK questions, it can be seen how far the participants’ knowledge about their country and nation is. From the TIU questions, it can be seen how far the general thinking ability of the participants is. Meanwhile, from the crime scene, it can be seen how the personality of the participants. In contrast to TWK which already has its own material and TIU which is mostly an exact science, TKP is a test to assess personal characteristics. There is no right and wrong formula here. Tips for doing it, of course, to always be honest in answering every question, because without realizing it there may be some questions that have the same question, which if answered differently, of course our integrity will be doubted. If it is answered honestly about this crime scene, of course the government’s goal to get ASN with good personality will be achieved. The questions are packaged as contextually as possible where if every ASN who later passes can actually implement what they answered in the test into their daily work, of course it will be very beneficial for the community. The public will be well served by ASN-ASN who have abandoned the colonial culture and mindset that ASN is being served, but on the contrary, ASN who have full awareness that ASN is serving.

Finally, congratulations through a series of selection of CPNS fighters. Good luck and all the best!

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