Selection of Djarum Scholarship Plus 2021

Universitas Negeri Semarang > FEB UNNES > Scholarship > Selection of Djarum Scholarship Plus 2021

It was conveyed to Semarang State University Students that there is information on the selection of the Djarum Plus Scholarship as an Achievement Scholarship, with the administrative requirements of the Djarum Scholarship Plus starting in the 2021/2022 Academic Year as follows:

1.Currently taking Strata 1 (S1) education in semester IV from all disciplines.
2.Minimum GPA 3.20 in the third semester.
3.Can maintain a minimum GPA of 3.20 until the end of semester IV.
4.Actively participate in organizational activities both on and off campus.
5.Not currently receiving scholarships from other parties.
6.Get a Djarum Scholarship of IDR 1,000,000 (one million rupiah) per month for 1 year.

Registration file administration requirements:

1.Proof of print/printed PDF from the online registration form (
2.One color passport photo size 4 x 6 cm, wearing an alma mater coat.
3.Photocopy of Student Identity Card.
4.Transcript of grades up to semester III, which has been legalized.
5.Copy of certificate/certificate of active organization and/or certificate of achievement followed/possessed.
6.Certificate from the Faculty knowing the Dean/Vice Dean III that he is not currently receiving a scholarship from another party (example for 2021 registrants is from September 1, 2021-August 31, 2022).

Registration Stage

Online Registration          : March 21 to May 23 2021
Administration Selection          : May 24 to June 20 2021
Written Test & Interview     : 21 June to 10 September 2021
Announcement                : September 20, 2021


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