Registration for Tax Brevet Certification A and B is open!

Universitas Negeri Semarang > FEB UNNES > News > Registration for Tax Brevet Certification A and B is open!

FEB UNNES Integrated Laboratory and Accounting and Management Solutions Consultant (AMSOC) will hold Tax Brevet A and B Certification. Training will be held every Saturday and Sunday from September – October 2023 online (Zoom Meeting). The following facilities will be obtained:

1. Module in soft copy form.

2. One-time remediation for all training courses that have not been passed.

3. Brevet A and B certificates from the FEB UNNES Integrated Laboratory in collaboration with AMSOC.

4. Sources who are experts in the field of taxation.

Training courses include:

1. Law on General Tax Provisions, Job Creation and Law on Harmonization of Tax Regulations.

2. Individual Taxpayer Income Tax.

3. Corporate Taxpayer Income Tax.

4. General Income Tax.

5. Income Tax Articles 21, 22, 23, 24, 25 and 26.

6. VAT and PPnBM and Stamp Duty.

7. Tax Audit, Objection and Appeal.

8. Tax Accounting.

9. Practice of filling out e-SPT (DJP Online).


1. General Rp. 750,000,-

2. FEB UNNES Alumni Rp. 600,000,-

3. Active FEB UNNES Students Rp. 500,000,-

No. Mandiri Bank Account a.n. Fitrarena Widhi Rizkyana 1360032594266

Note: 10% discount for those who make payment before September 9 2023 (FB UNNES Active Students Only).

Further information:

087779750845 (Dini Milatil)

082164487256 (Widia Sari Hutabarat)

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