Prof. Dr. H. Muhammad Khafid, M.Si is Ready to Strengthen UNNES in Accounting Field

Universitas Negeri Semarang > FEB UNNES > Uncategorized > Prof. Dr. H. Muhammad Khafid, M.Si is Ready to Strengthen UNNES in Accounting Field

The Rector of Universitas Negeri Semarang, Prof. Dr. Fathur Rokhman, M. Hum, had just inaugurated six professors concurrently on February 24th-25th, 2021. On the first day, he inaugurated Prof. Dr. Isti Hidayah, M. Pd, Prof. Dr. Subiyanto, ST., MT, and Prof. Dr. Erni Suharini, M. Si. The next day on Thursday, February 25, 2021, Prof. Dr. Muhammad Khafid, M. Si, Prof. Dr. Sri Wardani, M. Si, and Prof. Dr. Sri Susilogati Sumarti, M. Si, were inaugurated as professors.

One of the six professors who had been inaugurated was Prof. Dr. Muhammad Khafid, M. Si, Professor of Accounting. The Scientific Oration he delivered was entitled, ‘Are Accounting Figures Still Eligible?’. He emphasized the importance of integrity and capability in the oration, which are some values that must be owned by every accountant or an expert and graduate in accounting.

“The important corporate decision which has great value, even up to trillions, are based on accounting values. The accounting numbers presented are sacred; therefore, the management must present the factual ones. The role of accountants, auditors, management orientation are very influential. Accountants and auditors’ resources must inculcate a high level of integrity and capability spirit for the realization of an accountable and transparent accounting system, ” explained the Professor of Accounting.

Moreover, he also added in his oration that an accountant must have a big and broad spirit. “The point is that besides having high competence (capabilities), accountants must uphold the value of integrity. Furthermore, the most important thing is to have good character, able to communicate well, and being honest so the public will still believe in accounting values.”

At the end of his oration, Prof. M. Khafid expressed his gratitude to all colleagues for his achievements so far.

“I would like to express my gratitude to all colleagues that have supported me until now. I can be here now because of Allah blessings. I also want to say thank you to the UNNES Rector, Dean, Head of the Department, and all of my family. Once again, thank you for being the best support system that is always there, wherever I am, “added Prof. Dr. M. Khafid, M. Si.

Prof. Dr. M. Khafid, M. Si is an alumnus of the IKIP Semarang as well as the best graduate in the 1998 undergraduate program. Besides, he also took the Master’s program in Economics at Diponegoro University and became the best graduate in 2002. He has made many achievements and experiences, including the 10-year Karya Satya Lencana award.

On that occasion, Prof. Khafid was invited directly by the President of the Republic of Indonesia, Ir. Joko Widodo, to Jakarta. He also actively teaches in the Accounting Department, Faculty of Economics, UNNES, Lazis Supervisory Board, the Central Board of the Islamic Practice Agency, to the Head of the Master’s Economics Study Program, UNNES.

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