Moch. Faizal Rachmadi Nominated as the 3RD Winner Mapres UNNES 2020

Universitas Negeri Semarang > FEB UNNES > Uncategorized > Moch. Faizal Rachmadi Nominated as the 3RD Winner Mapres UNNES 2020

The Most Outstanding Students Selection 2020 (PILMAPRES) was very lively and was attended by 16 representatives of faculty-level outstanding students at Universitas Negeri Semarang.

The selection was being held for two days, from January 28 until 29, 2020. On the first day, the selection of scientific papers presentation was being held. This selection was open to the public so that the people could watch and support their representatives. Besides, there was also an assessment and verification for the achievements of the UNNES Mawapres candidates. The second day of selection was the Leaderless Group Discussion which is a new concept in developing a Focus Group Discussion. The mawapres candidates were tested for their leadership skills, positive thinking, critical thinking, responsiveness, etc. At this stage, seven competent judges and one psychologist are selected.

The struggle for the Mawapres UNNES 2020 candidates is very long and culminates on February 3, 2020, at the Borobudur LP2M UNNES Room. In The Most Oustanding Students Award 2020, the delegation of the Faculty of Economics, a.n Moch Faizal Rachmadi, achieved the 3rd place winner. Meanwhile, Agung Firdaus (FT) won the first winner, and the second winner was achieved by Bondan Eka Nugraha (FMIPA).

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