Management Held MSDM Professional Competency Certification Exam for Students

Universitas Negeri Semarang > FEB UNNES > Uncategorized > Management Held MSDM Professional Competency Certification Exam for Students

The Department of Management of the Faculty of Economics UNNES held a Professional Competency Certification Exam for students of specialization in MSDM for six days consist of a series of three-day training activities (24-26 February 2020) and two-day examination activities (27-28 February 2020) located in the L2 floor building 3 FE UNNES. This activity was opened by the Dean of FE UNNES, Drs. Heri Yanto., Ph.D. and attended by leaders, lecturers of the Department of Management, and students who take the exam, a total of 48 students of specialization in MSDM Class 2016.

This competency certification exam is used to obtain a sign of eligibility to be declared “competent” at the HR supervisor position level. This activity also begins with the provision of 14-unit competency training materials that students must master. This competency unit starts from searching for prospective workers, preparing job offers, making work agreements, procedures for placing new workers, carrying out orientation programs, training and development, and handling worker complaints. They also learn about fulfilling normative worker rights, implementing worker disciplinary actions, calculating wage administration until learning about the procedure of handing over part of the work (outsourcing) to another party.

In this training activity, there were three speakers, namely internal resource lecturers of HR Management (Nury Ariani W, SE., MSc and Desti Ranihusna, SE., MM) and external resource persons from HR practitioners (Drs. Budiharjo). Furthermore, the examination activities consist of written, oral, and practical examinations tested by eight assessors from the MSDM Brilliant Semarang MSDM Professional Certification Institute.

This activity is a routine program of the department every year since 2018 to equip students of specialization in HRM with a certificate of competency eligibility under Permendikbud Law (UU) Number 12 of 2012 concerning Higher Education and Government Regulation Number 4 of 2014 concerning the Implementation of Higher Education and Higher Education Management. In Article 44, paragraph 1 to paragraph 3, Law Number 12 requires each university to provide a competency certificate for each graduate as an official statement of their competence and get a job following their expertise. Thus, every graduate who has a competency certificate in the HRM profession can be considered competent according to the level or level of the HRM profession and hopes to compete in meeting the needs of the labor market.

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