FEB UNNES Arrives with New Staff

Universitas Negeri Semarang > FEB UNNES > News > FEB UNNES Arrives with New Staff

Twenty-nine new retainers of FEB UNNES were briefed in a welcoming event and introduction of CPNS 2024 lecturers in the Mubyarto meeting room, Thursday (1/8). The event was attended by all faculty leaders, koorprodi, and administrative leaders in the FEB environment.

In his remarks, the Dean of FEB, Prof. Dr. Amir Mahmud, M.Si. welcomed everyone to join the big family of the Faculty of Economics and Business. On the other hand, he provided reinforcement of campus values as a World Reputable University and a Pioneer of Conservation-minded Educational Excellence. “New CPNS lecturers must know and understand the vision and mission of the campus, so that wherever they are they can always maintain the good name of the Faculty and University,” concluded Prof. Amir.

He also advised all new CPNS Lecturers to always be active in implementing the Tri Dharma of Higher Education, namely education and teaching, research and development, and community service. Furthermore, Prof. Amir said that from now on everyone must learn English to support communication skills in the era of disruption so that they can provide added value. With the addition of new retainers, it is hoped that it can have a positive influence and contribution to the development of science and graduate competencies. The twenty-nine retainers are spread across four study programs, namely Accounting 8 lecturers, Management 6 lecturers, Development Economics 8 lecturers, and Economics Education as many as 7 lecturers.

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