FEB Organizes Workshop on Writing Scientific Works and Teaching Materials for MGMP Economics Teachers in Central Java

Universitas Negeri Semarang > FEB UNNES > News > FEB Organizes Workshop on Writing Scientific Works and Teaching Materials for MGMP Economics Teachers in Central Java

The task of a teacher is not enough just to teach and deliver material to students. Teachers have duties and roles both professionally and as developers of knowledge. In carrying out this role, teachers must have the skills to write scientific papers as evidence of the scientific development that has been carried out. However, in its development, it is often found that many teachers experience obstacles when carrying out this scientific writing stage.

The obstacles experienced will have more impact, especially since the activity of writing scientific papers is one of the assessment points for teacher career development. In addition, this writing ability will also be used by teachers in preparing teaching materials. How teachers are able to look at the description of learning targets, design the learning process, and allow it to be formed into a printed work and widely circulated such as a learning book.

The lecturer of Economics Education Study Program of FEB UNNES, captured the obstacles experienced by the teachers. Thus, the Workshop on Writing Scientific Works and Teaching Materials was designed. The workshop was held on June 25, 2024, in Moh. Hatta Hall, Building L1, Deanate of FEB Unnes. The event was attended by teachers of economics and digital business subjects, who are members of the MGMP of Economics Teachers in Central Java.

Dr. Jarot Tri Bowo Santoso, M. Si, as the Coordinator of Economics Education S1 Study Program in his speech said that FEB UNNES is very open to invite cooperation with economics teachers in forming an atmosphere that supports teachers in writing scientific papers. He said that FEB UNNES already has accredited journals both nationally and internationally, which can be used by economics teachers to contribute their best papers.

Present as resource persons were three highly experienced and trusted figures in the field of scientific writing and teaching materials. They were Prof. Dr. Joko Widodo, M. Pd, professor of FEB Unnes. Ms. Suspeni, S. Pd, an economics teacher at SMA 14 Semarang, as well as the secretary of MGMP Economics Central Java. The third speaker, Ms. Mia Liliawati, S. Pd, a teacher at SMA 14 Al-Azhar Semarang, as well as a driving teacher instructor.

In his presentation, Prof. Dr. Joko Widodo, M. Pd explained that the publication of scientific papers for teachers is important. Moreover, this has been stated in PAN Ministerial Regulation Number 8 of 1993, because teachers have been confirmed as functional positions. With this inherent functional position, teachers must demonstrate professionalism, competence, and as scientists, through writing scientific papers.

The second speaker, Mrs. Mia Liliawati, S. Pd, explained that this teaching material is everything that is used to facilitate teachers or students in the learning process. So that teachers must be able to process teaching materials with fun, arouse creativity, and be relevant to the daily lives of students.

During the development of an ever-changing curriculum, economics teachers must be adaptive, especially this economic learning material is material that is closely related to daily insights, so the learning process must also be easily accepted by students, said the third speaker Mrs. Suspeni, S. Pd. This activity runs warmly and seriously, this is evident from the many participants who ask about the flow in writing scientific papers. The participants realized that they need to have skills related to the insight of scientific papers to show professionalism in carrying out their duties as teachers.

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