Faizal and Lita Represent Faculty of Economics at the Most Outstanding Students Selection UNNES 2020

Universitas Negeri Semarang > FEB UNNES > Uncategorized > Faizal and Lita Represent Faculty of Economics at the Most Outstanding Students Selection UNNES 2020

Tuesday (14/01), the Faculty of Economics, Universitas Negeri Semarang (FE UNNES), held The Most Oustanding Students Selection 2002 (Pilmapres) with the theme “Sustainable Development Goals.” The event took place from 08.00 to 15.00 in the FE UNNES Hall Building L 3rd floor and was opened by the Dean of FE UNNES, Mr. Drs. Heri Yanto, M.B.A, Ph.D. The activity was also attended by Heads of the Faculty of Economics, Heads of Departments, and FE Students. The Pilmapres was attended by nine students who had previously gone through a rigorous selection at the department level. Mar’atus Syolikha and Ari Nur Rachman represented the Management Department. The Department of Economic Education was represented by Siswantoro, Lita Citra Dewi, and Moch. Faizal Rachmadi. The accounting department was represented by Muhammad Wahyu Zulfikarna and Winda Islamiyati. Widatul Magfiroh and Rizka Yuliyani represented the development economics department. Pilmapres assessment consists of 4 (four) aspects: the Grade Point Average (GPA), superior achievement, English ability, and Scientific Writing.

After going through a rigorous selection of The Most Outstanding Student Selection (Pilmapres), the jury had decided the winners. The winners were obtained as follows:

1st Winner: Moch. Faizal Rachmadi (Economic Education)

1st Runner Up: Lita Citra Dewi (Economic Education)

2nd Runner Up: Widatul Magfiroh (Development Economics)

3rd Runner Up: Siswantoro (Economic Education)

4th Runner Up: Rizka Yuliyani (Development Economics)

5th Runner Up: Ari Nur Rachman (Management)

Meanwhile, Moch. Faizal Rachmadi and Lita Citra Dewi will represent FE UNNES at the Most Outstanding Students Selection 2020 in the university level.

The event went on smoothly. Enthusiastic supporters from each department witnessed the election of the Most Outstanding Students Selection FE UNNES 2020. The Dean of the FE UNNES, Drs. Heri Yanto, M.B.A, Ph.D. expressed pride to students who have been selected and are willing to fight for the Most Outstanding Students Selection FE UNNES 2020. He appealed to all FE communities to support and work together to support the FE representatives at the university level of the Most Outstanding Students Selection 2020.

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