Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Negeri Semarang Establishes Environmental Economics Research Center under Conservation Group

Universitas Negeri Semarang > FEB UNNES > News > Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Negeri Semarang Establishes Environmental Economics Research Center under Conservation Group

Semarang, Indonesia – February 15, 2023 – The Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) at Semarang State University (UNNES) proudly announces the establishment of an Environmental Economics Research Center under the auspices of the Conservation Group. The inauguration ceremony took place at the Mohammad Hatta Auditorium, Faculty of Economics and Business, UNNES, on February 15, 2023.

The initiative, spearheaded by the Conservation Group, aims to address the pressing need for research and action on environmental issues within the context of economics. While environmental issues are closely intertwined with economic dynamics, FEB currently lacks a dedicated program focused on environmental studies. Although some related courses are offered, there is a need for a more structured approach to environmental economics.

The Environmental Economics Research Center serves as a platform to facilitate research activities and community engagement related to environmental issues within FEB UNNES. The center aims to harness the expertise and enthusiasm of FEB UNNES academic community members who are passionate about environmental research. It will oversee research projects and community outreach initiatives focused on environmental economics, ensuring that the findings are applicable and beneficial for both the university and the wider community.

One notable example of the Conservation Group’s previous research efforts is the 2021 study on minimizing paper waste accumulation within FEB UNNES. The findings of this study led to the implementation of a paper waste management training program in 2022, organized by the Conservation Group.

Membership in the Environmental Economics Research Center is open to all FEB UNNES academic community members who share an interest in environmental economics. All research and outreach activities conducted under the center’s umbrella will be closely coordinated with the Conservation Group to ensure alignment with its objectives and maximize real-world impact.

“We are excited to launch the Environmental Economics Research Center as part of our ongoing commitment to address environmental challenges through innovative research and community engagement,” said Dr. Amir Mahmud, S.Pd., M.Si., Faculty of Economics and Business dean.

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