Distribution of Basic Food Packages for FE Students Affected by COVID-19

Universitas Negeri Semarang > FEB UNNES > Uncategorized > Distribution of Basic Food Packages for FE Students Affected by COVID-19

The distribution of basic food packages was held on Thursday, April 9, 2020, and took place on the 1st floor of the L1 Building, Faculty of Economics, Universitas Negeri Semarang. This activity aims to ease the burden on students who are still around campus or can not return to their hometowns because of the COVID-19.

The activity of distributing basic food assistance packages was led directly by the Vice Dean 3 in Student Affairs FE UNNES, Dr. Kusmuriyanto, M.Si. He managed to distribute around 100 packages of basic foodstuffs. In the implementation, this activity adheres to the COVID-19 precautionary protocol by using masks, washing hands using soap, not shaking hands, and doing physical distancing and social distancing (avoiding the crowd). As a result, all of the students queued one by one to receive the package.

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