

We usually called him Mr.Tarsis. He is our outstanding tax lecturer and the inspirator at the Faculty of Economics, especially for us in the Department of Economic Education. His writing and jokes in class light up the class atmosphere and increasing the students’ enthusiast to study. The material that he presented in the class is...
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The Faculty of Economics, State University of Semarang has held a selection for students who will take part in Credit Transfer to Malaysia in the Even semester of 2020 at UiTM Melaka and UPSI. A number of students from the Department of Management, Economic Education, and Development Economics have participated in the selection. as for...
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The Credit Transfer Program is one of the student mobility programs by providing opportunities for students to attend lectures at Overseas Universities. Please see the registration timeline in the announcement above, if you have any questions, please contact the CP that has been listed, REMEMBER, don’t forget to WATCH the program flow timeline. The registration...
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Currently, climate change and plastic waste are trending topics that are hotly discussed by the world, especially Indonesia. Many people complain about extreme weather, natural disasters that have happened recently, there are also many oceans of garbage/sea filled with plastic waste, and the death of land and sea animals/fauna due to ingesting a lot of...
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Currently, climate change and plastic waste are trending topics that are hotly discussed by the world, especially Indonesia. Many people complain about extreme weather, natural disasters that have happened recently, there are also many oceans of garbage/sea filled with plastic waste, and the death of land and sea animals/fauna due to ingesting a lot of...
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Currently, climate change and plastic waste are trending topics that are hotly discussed by the world, especially Indonesia. Many people complain about extreme weather, natural disasters that have happened recently, there are also many oceans of garbage/sea filled with plastic waste, and the death of land and sea animals/fauna due to ingesting a lot of...
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Human concern for the continuity of life is getting higher and higher. The quality of the earth is decreasing due to the increasing amount of pollution from vehicles, factories and residential environments. Increased environmental degradation due to economic behavior, production and consumption patterns that only consider temporary and unsustainable interests or ignore the existence of...
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Human concern for the continuity of life is getting higher and higher. The quality of the earth is decreasing due to the increasing amount of pollution from vehicles, factories and residential environments. Increased environmental degradation due to economic behavior, production and consumption patterns that only consider temporary and unsustainable interests or ignore the existence of...
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Financial technology (FinTech) becomes a major driver of the financial industry, permeating in both its financial and technology sector. In 2018, the FinTech industry is worth nearly $40B globally. While the Industry is increasing job opportunities worldwide, it is also facing uncertainties and major disruptions, and suffering from induced consequences. The increasing demand for talent...
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By MELIANDAYANI (IUP Accounting Education 2016) The Millennial Era is not something new at this time, where in this era all aspects of life have developed rapidly. The generation in this era is called the millennial generation as a substitute for the term generation Y (GenY). According to social researchers, millennials are those born between...
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