

Based on the 2021 VDMI Scholarship selection process, the following students have passed the selection. The list of names can be viewed and downloaded at the link below. ScholarshipCalon Penerima Beasiswa VDMI 2021 If the names listed are currently receiving other scholarships, please contact Mr. Turhamun, Student Affairs Section BAKK Tel: 08156610478 no later than...
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Based on the selection process for the 2021 Bank Indonesia Scholarship, the following students who have passed the selection stage 1. The list of names can be viewed and downloaded at the link below
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It was conveyed to Semarang State University Students that there is information on the selection of the Djarum Plus Scholarship as an Achievement Scholarship, with the administrative requirements of the Djarum Scholarship Plus starting in the 2021/2022 Academic Year as follows: 1.Currently taking Strata 1 (S1) education in semester IV from all disciplines. 2.Minimum GPA...
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