

The Research and Community Development Institute (LPPM) of Universitas Negeri Semarang (UNNES) will conduct a Webinar entitled “Strategy to Write a Great Research Paper and Publish in Scopus Indexed Journals with High Impact Factor” virtually via Zoom platform on: Day : TuesdayDate : 16th March 2021Time : 08.30-12.00 WIB Speakers:1. Assoc. Prof. Muhammad Aziz, PhD...
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The Research and Community Development Institute (LPPM) of Universitas Negeri Semarang (UNNES) will conduct a Webinar entitled “Strategy to Write a Great Research Paper and Publish in Scopus Indexed Journals with High Impact Factor” virtually via Zoom platform on: Day : TuesdayDate : 16th March 2021Time : 08.30-12.00 WIB Speakers:1. Assoc. Prof. Muhammad Aziz, PhD...
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