

This time, the FEB UNNES team consisting of: 1. Dhifah Amaliyah (Accountant Education, 2021) 2. Audri Fitryanti (Development Economics, 2021) Both of them succeeded in achieving proud achievements by placing 3rd place in the 2023 National Business Plan Competition which was held online by Universitas Perintis Indonesia. Hopefully this tradition of achievement will continue to...
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Another proud achievement was achieved by FEB UNNES students. This time the FEB UNNES Team succeeded in winning 1st place and Best Paper in the Pekan Ilmiah Nasional Akademik 3 2023 national competition. This competition is a competition organized by the Indonesian Pen Competition Community. The FEB UNNES team consists of: 1. Dwi Fatmasari (Accounting,...
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Another proud achievement was made by FEB UNNES students. This time the Team from the Management Study Program consisting of: 1. Mohammad Fatahullah (Management, 2019) 2. Rifka Dyah Ayu Puspita (Management, 2021) Supervisor: Siti Ridloah, S.E., M.Mgmt. Successfully won 2nd place in the 2023 Capital Market Research Report Competition organized by the Universitas Islam Nahdlatul...
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Friday, 25 August 2023 – Dharma Wanita UNNES held a Singing Competition which was attended by Dharma Wanita within the UNNES environment. This activity was carried out in the Prof. Wuryanto Auditorium UNNES and the FEB UNNES team won Best Supporter. Congratulations and success for Dharma Wanita FEB UNNES. FEB Brillian!
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News of the achievement came from a team of accounting students consisting of Tegar Liendas Fajar (Accounting, 2021), Dina Nur Himmatina (Accounting, 2022), and Ririn Hariyanti (Accounting, 2022) under the guidance of Mrs. Richatu Jannah, S.E., M.Ak. won a Bronze Medal in the KOIN 2023 competition.KOIN or Kime on Ideas Competition is an annual competition...
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Tegar Liendas Fajar is an Accounting student (2021). Tegar took part in the Tax Center competition organized by the UIN Jakarta. In this competition, Tegar won 2nd place.We wish congratulations and continued success for Tegar and FEB students. Its time to shine!
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Another Day, Another Achievement…The collaboration between Management and Economic Education students achieved a brilliant achievement as 3rd place in the 2023 ULM National Investment Competition (UNIC). The two students were Mohammad Fatahullah (Management, 2019) and Crisna Gabriel Octavilona (Economics Education, 2019) and were mentored by Mrs. Siti Ridloah, S.E., M.Mgmt.. The following is a complete...
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The news of the achievement came from one of the 2022 Accounting Study Program students, namely Tiara Dwi Lestari. Tiara took part in the 2023 National Essay Competition which was held by FMIPA Universitas Negeri Semarang. In this activity Tiara won 2nd place.Complete List of Champions:1st place: FBS UNNES2nd place: FEB UNNES3rd place: Universitas JemberHopefully...
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Prestasi yang membanggakan kembali ditorehkan oleh Tim FEB UNNES. Kali ini tim mahasiswa Manajemen ikut dalam kompetisi nasional Investor Festival and Competition yang diselenggarakan oleh UKM KSPMS, Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam, UIN KH. Abdurrahman Wahid Pekalongan. Dalam kompetisi tersebut tim FEB UNNES yang terdiri dari: Tim 1 (Juara 2) Kurniawan Cahyo Eko Saputra (Manajemen,...
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Prestasi yang membanggakan kembali ditorehkan oleh Tim FEB UNNES. Kali ini tim mahasiswa Akuntansi ikut dalam kompetisi nasional BAK Audit Competition 2023 yang diselenggarakan oleh Badan Audit Kemahasiswaan Universitas Diponegoro. Dalam kompetisi tersebut tim FEB UNNES yang terdiri dari: Novi Rahmawati (Akuntansi, 2020) Nailis Sa’adah (Akuntansi, 2020) Aulia Dewi Puspita (Akuntansi, 2021) Pembina: Richatul Jannah,...
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