Between Master, Dinosaur and SiIicon Valley

Universitas Negeri Semarang > FEB UNNES > Uncategorized > Between Master, Dinosaur and SiIicon Valley

By : Bayu Bagas Hapsoro, S.E., M.M.

There wasn’t much excitement at this year’s National Teacher’s Day celebration. This commemoration of National Teacher’s Day, even looks quieter than the commemoration of National Santri Day which fell the previous month. Whether it’s because it coincides with the red date, or indeed apathy is already severe, as some people think, it’s useless to be reminded, it won’t have any impact on the welfare of teachers, especially honorary teachers in the regions.

Going back a bit, if you look at the history of the emergence of this National Teacher’s Day, it all started with an effort and is a form of appreciation for the teaching profession in Indonesia. Quoting from the Tribun Jateng Daily (25/11), initially in 1912 the teachers established an Indonesian teacher union called the Dutch East Indies Teachers Association (PGHB). At that time, Indonesia was still in the Dutch colonial period which started from 1602 to 1942. Its members were auxiliary teachers, village teachers, school principals, and school officials. Then, although Indonesia had not declared independence, in 1932 the name PGHB was changed to the Indonesian Teachers Association (PGI).

After the proclamation, two months later, PGI held the Indonesian Teachers’ Congress on 24–25 November 1945 in Surakarta, which later formed the Indonesian Teachers Association (PGRI). On November 25, 1945, this is considered the beginning of the formation of the teacher professional organization, which was later designated as National Teacher’s Day.

Was considered an unpromising profession profesi

In its development, the teaching profession experienced ups and downs. Had reached the lowest point, where the teaching profession was considered a noble profession but did not promise a prosperous future.

The legend of Indonesian musician, Iwan Fals, in the 80s, had immortalized the phenomenon of the teacher’s condition at that time, in his work entitled Guru Oemar Bakri. It is narrated in the song that teacher Oemar Bakri is a civil servant teacher, cycles a worn beetle, and has even served for decades. But even though his salary is like being castrated, teacher Oemar Bakri remains devoted, and remains loyal to his profession, even being able to produce great graduates, from professors to ministers.

Furthermore, the teaching profession continues to experience ups and downs. Until the emergence of a good news, with the emergence of Law no. 14/2005 concerning Teachers and Lecturers. In the law, the Government will provide allowances to teachers/lecturers, as a form of professional allowance, equivalent to 1 (one) time of basic salary. This is certainly considered as good news, especially for PNS teachers.

Facing the era of disruption

When Information Technology enters the Internet era, the teaching profession is again faced with challenges. Some people think that the role of the teacher is slowly being replaced by the Internet. Almost all people, can access information and knowledge, without having to sit in school. Even in this era of disruption, information can be selected according to the interests and talents of students, unlike formal schools in general.

At this stage, informal schools such as home schooling began to emerge, which offer more personalized learning, compared to conventional schools. Besides being more attractive because of the flexibility of the time, this informal school will also adjust the material according to the abilities of each student.

Until finally, when the Internet 4.0 technology revolution occurred, where the network speed was considered capable of providing comfortable and affordable services for the provision of multimedia content, there was another significant change. The teaching profession is again undergoing a transformation. If previously the learning profession took place in the classroom, then in this period, the teaching and learning process shifted to the virtual world.

At this stage, students no longer need to go to the classroom, but simply sit in front of an internet-connected device, and start receiving material interactively. Hundreds of types of fields of study, students can choose from to study, with just the touch of a fingertip.

The big question is, will the teaching profession become extinct, like the extinction of the dinosaurs millions of years ago, and be replaced by a technology called Artificial Intelligence (AI) made by computer engineers from Silicon Valley? So the answer to that question will return to the awareness and actions of the activists of the teaching profession.

If at this time the teachers only conveyed material (transfer of knowledge), of course the role of the teaching profession, gradually, will be displaced by technology. However, if a teacher is able to become a person who brings the soul of “Tut Wuri Handayani”, not only teaching, but also being able to inspire, set an example of good morals, as well as assist students in reaching maturity in their thinking, then I am sure a teacher will always appreciated and remembered. Master is also not only known as the “Unsung Hero”, but will also be remembered by history as a hero of human civilization.

Happy teacher’s Day!

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