Announcement of 2019/2020 FE UNNES Credit Transfer Participants

Universitas Negeri Semarang > FEB UNNES > Uncategorized > Announcement of 2019/2020 FE UNNES Credit Transfer Participants

The Faculty of Economics, State University of Semarang has held a selection for students who will take part in Credit Transfer to Malaysia in the Even semester of 2020 at UiTM Melaka and UPSI. A number of students from the Department of Management, Economic Education, and Development Economics have participated in the selection. as for the selection made in the form of administrative selection and interview selection.

The following are the names that have been declared to have passed to the next stage: Pengumuman Credit Transfer 2020

the next stage is:

briefing : Wednesday, October 23 at 09.00 WIB

For those who have not been accepted, you can try at the next opportunity, Excited!!!

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