15th Anniversary, FE UNNES Holds Public Discussion with Economists

Universitas Negeri Semarang > FEB UNNES > Uncategorized > 15th Anniversary, FE UNNES Holds Public Discussion with Economists

Today, Tuesday, June 15, 2021 at 08.10 WIB at Building L2, Meeting Room 3, the 15th Integrated Economic Dynamics Public Discussion Committee (DET) has carried out a Public Discussion with the theme “Strategies for Post-Covid-19 Economic Recovery in Java. Middle”.

Public Discussion Activities invite several resource persons who are experts in a field (Economics) to discuss an issue. By being interactive, participants can voice their opinions to the speakers and exchange ideas in the event. So that we can all be more open about the current issues being discussed in the Public Discussion.

Sources for the Public Discussion included M. Firdaus Muttaqin as Deputy Head of the Group for the Formulation and Implementation of KEKDA, Purwanto SH, M.Par as Head of Tourism Destination Development Division of DISPORAPAR Central Java Province, Rusli Abdulah as INDEF Economist, Prof. Dr. Etty Soesilowati FE Academician.

This Public Discussion discusses the strategy to recover the post-covid-19 economy in Central Java. We all know that our economy is affected by this pandemic. We have to understand that the economy needs to be revived, so it takes a perspective from a different economist’s point of view in order for us to draw a conclusion that is true. Public discussion becomes a forum in terms of criticizing issues and knowing other perspectives in the economic field

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