14th Anniversary of FE UNNES

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Today, June 06, 2020, the Faculty of Economics (FE) UNNES is precisely 14 years old. The Faculty of Economics, UNNES, was born at a beautiful time, namely June 06, 2006. In short, the Faculty of Economics UNNES is a form of separation from the Faculty of Social Sciences. Commemoration of the birthday of the 14th Faculty of Economics, UNNES or often also known as Integrated Economic Dynamics (DET), is held online (on the network) via zoom application and broadcast live streaming on Youtube FE UNNES. The 14th DET series was preceded by Opening and Praying Together with the theme “Building a Strategy in Harmony for the Glory of the Faculty of Economics” with tausyiah from Gus Lukman (Caretaker of the Az-Zuhri Islamic Boarding School Semarang). In addition, this activity was also attended by the Chancellor of UNNES, Vice Chancellors, Chairmen of Institutions and Agencies, Deans of all UNNES, lecturers, students, and various other guests.

This event was preceded by a speech from the Dean of FE, Drs. Heri Yanto, MBA., Ph. D was then continued and symbolically opened (online) by the Rector of the State University of Semarang, Prof. Dr. Fathur Rokhman, M. Hum. In his remarks, UNNES appreciated the holding of this 14th DET FE. The performance of the FE UNNES from year to year is very satisfying, including being ranked 2nd in the best faculty, ranking 1st on the website and social media, and many other achievements. All majors in the FE UNNES accredited A or “Excellent,” especially the Department of Development Economics, passed the AUN-QA international certification. At the end of his speech, Prof. Dr. Fathur Rokhman conveyed three main keys to success in growth: togetherness, integrity, and actual work.

At the main session, Gus Lukman delivered tausiyah and joint prayer with all of the guests. He advised that UNNES Faculty of Economics academics should always uphold the value of integrity, implement their knowledge and education in society. One form of implementation of knowledge and education is online seminars, online training, and various other activities that the public can witness while staying at home. The Covid-19 outbreak also provides wisdom for us always to be grateful, worship, help each other to the surrounding community, and still obey the government’s appeal. At the end of his speech, Gus Lukman emphasized that all of us, especially FE UNNES academics, always provide education to the public to increase the national economic stability of the community amid the Covid-19 pandemic.

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