An Eco-linguistic Analysis of Conservation News Published by Mass Media in Indonesia

Universitas Negeri Semarang > Faculty of Languages and Arts > Publikasi > An Eco-linguistic Analysis of Conservation News Published by Mass Media in Indonesia

Dr. Tommi Yuniawan, M.Hum.

Research Areas: 

Linguistics, Sociolinguistics, and Ecolinguistics

Key Findings:

“This research aims to analyze the eco-lexicon meanings contained in the conservation news texts published by mass media in Indonesia. The data sources are mass media found at, Suara Merdeka, and Kompas. The data are collected through listening, documentation, and interview techniques and analyzed using distributional and referential analysis techniques. The novelty of this study is the dimension of cultural meaning in the eco-collection of conservation news texts in the mass media in Indonesia. The findings of this study enrich the theory of Lindo and Bundsgaard in 2000 which stated that the dynamics and changes that occur at the lexicon level are influenced by three dimensions, namely ideological, sociological, and biological dimensions. Simply put, conservation news text needs to be utilized as teaching material by teachers and lecturers in language learning or other learning types in schools or universities to enrich the text genre and foster the value of love for the environment.”

Link to the Publication:

How to Cite: 

Yuniawan, T., Rokhman, F., Rustono, & Mardikantoro, H. B. (2023). An eco-linguistic analysis of conservation news published by mass media in Indonesia. Cogent Arts & Humanities, 10, 2174519, 1-15. 

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