A accreditation
Bachelor of Engineering (S.T.)
Bachelor of Electrical Engineering Study Program, Faculty of Engineering Unnes organizes higher education to produce graduates of Electrical Engineering degrees. The spearheads of the field of study that are superior to this proposed study program are to produce graduates who are capable of managing electrical energy from clean energy sources in Indonesia. Indonesia is one of the countries in the world that has a lot of Clean Energy (EB) potential.
In preparing graduates, the study program always cooperates with various associations, scientific communities and scientific forums working in the field of electrical engineering both at the national and international levels. Various existing communities and forums will be used as references in keeping abreast of technological developments on an ongoing basis. In addition, it is also a forum for increasing the capacity of lecturers in the Electrical Engineering Study Program.
The scientific field that will be developed in the Electrical Engineering Study Program has the characteristics of mastering and utilizing clean energy sources. Mastery of clean energy sources includes choosing, designing, processing, implementing and operating electro technology in the utilization of fuel cell energy, wind energy, solar energy, bio energy and micro-hydro energy. This utilization is to meet the increasing demand for electrical energy.
The field of study that will be developed is realized in the form of the Electrical Engineering Undergraduate Study Program curriculum which includes the design and maintenance of energy management processes, both on a small scale and on a large scale such as factories and power plants. The design study will contain study materials for Micro-hydro Systems, Photovoltaic Systems, Wind Energy Systems, Fuel Cell Systems and Bioenergy Systems. The process of maintaining and managing energy is contained in study materials on Data Mining, Machine Learning and Intelligent Systems, Energy Efficient Building Design, Clean Energy Transportation Systems, Distributed Generators and Smart Grid and Power System Reliability.
Office address :
E11 building. Lt.1 Electrical Engineering Faculty of Unnes
Sekaran Campus Gunung Pati Semarang
Website: https://unnes.ac.id/ft/te/
Tel/Fax : 024.8508104