Akreditasi Unggul
Bachelor of Education (S.Pd.)
The Building Engineering Education Study Program (PTB) was established in 1982. From 1982 – 1999 the PTB Study Program was under the Building Engineering Education Department, Faculty of Technology and Vocational Education (FPTK) IKIP Semarang. After the Semarang Teachers’ Training College became Semarang State University (UNNES) in 1999, the PTB Study Program became a study program under the Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Semarang State University.
The identity of the study program is as follows:
Study Program: S1 Building Engineering Education (PTB).
Major : Civil Engineering
Faculty of Engineering
Higher Education : Semarang State University
Study Program SK Number: S410/SK/LAMDIK/Ak/S/X/2022
SK Date : 2022
Why Choose UNNES Building Engineering Education Study Program
Last Friday (October 19 2012) a team from the Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Unnes, won the first overall prize in the Earthquake Resistance Building Competition (ERBC) at Pelita Harapan University, Tangerang. The competition, which was joined by 18 teams from various universities in Indonesia, was held in conjunction with the Civil Engineering Week 2012 –Greenovation event, ”Create the World of Tomorrow…TODAY” by the Pelita Harapan University Civil Engineering Student Association. The purpose of holding this competition is to be able to learn together and add insight about earthquake resistant buildings. The purpose of this competition is to make a building model with materials from balsa wood and glue that is able to withstand loads during shaking/vibration which is a representation of earthquake events.
Supporting Facilities
The cool and comfortable atmosphere of the conservation campus will provide freshness and enthusiasm in learning, with the support of facilities in the form of a laboratory as a means of supporting learning activities. The laboratories owned by the civil engineering department include soil mechanics laboratory, soil measurement laboratory, materials science laboratory, structure laboratory, hydraulics laboratory, wood workshop laboratory, computer laboratory, transportation laboratory, and drawing studio.
Competence of graduates
a. Main Competency
1. Being able to become a stable individual as a citizen who is religious, nationalist, tolerant and responsible reflects the ethics and personality of the Indonesian people who believe in and fear God Almighty;
2. Able to intelligently, honestly and responsibly master and understand the basic concepts of education;
3. Able to intelligently, honestly and responsibly organize building engineering learning using innovative strategies, cutting-edge technology and a democratic atmosphere;
4. Able to intelligently provide guidance in learning in the field of building engineering education;
5. Able to be a model for students as citizens who are religious, tolerant and responsible;
6. Able to think scientifically and conduct research in the field of building engineering education.
b. Supporting Competency
1. Be able to carry out building designs and draw buildings honestly and responsibly;
2. Be able to calculate building structures honestly and responsibly;
3. Able to do furniture work honestly and responsibly;
c. Other Competency
1. Able to apply Communication Information Technology (ICT) vehicles to support the smooth implementation of tasks;
2. Able to communicate using English by upholding norms, values, morals, religion, ethics and professional responsibility;
3. Able to develop entrepreneurial spirit and attitude
4. Able to develop themselves, devote themselves, cooperate and adapt and socialize actively, tough, polite and care about the work environment, society and the environment.
Office address :
Civil Engineering Department Building, Faculty of Engineering, Semarang State University (UNNES)