Akreditasi A
Bachelor of Education (S.Pd.)
The Permit for Establishment/Operation for the PTE S1 study program itself refers to Decree No. 122/DIKTI/KEP/2007, Date of Permit Decree: 31 August 2007. PTE Study Program under the auspices of the Department of Electrical Engineering, Semarang State University.
The Department of Electrical Engineering itself currently organizes 2 (two) Undergraduate Study Programs and 1 (one) Diploma Study Program. These study programs are:
1. PTE Study Program (Electrical Engineering Education), S1
2. PTIK Study Program (Informatics and Computer Engineering Education), S1
The area of expertise possessed by graduates of the PTE (Electrical Engineering Education) Study Program, S1 is to prepare graduates to compete in an increasingly global world of work by equipping students with areas of expertise including:
1. Knowledge, understanding of education science and mastery of teaching practice as a provision to become a teacher
2. Knowledge and skills to design, install, maintain and secure electrical installation systems for buildings and industries
3. Knowledge and skills of controlling based on microcontrollers, PLCs and computers as a solid provision to work in industry
4. Knowledge and skills about telecommunications to prepare for work in the world of telecommunications
5. Entrepreneurial knowledge and skills so that they are ready to become entrepreneurs.
The advantages of graduates are designed as prospective teachers, scientists and or professionals who have competence in the ability in the field of electrical engineering with the following characteristics:
1. Have competent professional skills, knowledge and values in the field of electrical engineering.
2. Vocational School teachers in the field of Electricity/Electrical Energy, Electrical Installation, Audio Video, Industrial Electronics
3. Widyaiswara in the field of Electricity/Electrical Energy, Electrical Installation, Audio Video, Industrial Electronics
4. Electricity/Electrical Energy Instructor, Electrical Installation, Audio Video, Industrial Electronics
5. Tutor/Facilitator of Electricity/Electrical Energy, Electrical Installation, Audio Video, Industrial Electronics
6. Have a professional performance and a high spirit of work ethic in the field of electrical engineering development.
The human resources for teaching Electrical Engineering Education total 38 people with 4 people holding Doctoral degrees 2 People are currently completing Doctoral programs and the rest have completed Masters degrees both at home and abroad.
Office address :
E11 building. Lt.1 Electrical Engineering Faculty of Unnes
Sekaran Campus Gunung Pati Semarang
Website: https://jurte.unnes.ac.id/
Tel/Fax : 024.8508104