Javanese art conservation in Indonesia inheriting potentials of local wisdom through Wayang Wong Bocah

Universitas Negeri Semarang > Faculty of Languages and Arts > Publikasi > Javanese art conservation in Indonesia inheriting potentials of local wisdom through Wayang Wong Bocah

Dr. Hartono, M. Pd.

Research Areas:

Early childhood education, dance education, the teaching of performing arts

Key Findings/Conclusions:

The results discovered that the conservation process of Wayang Wong Bocah performed by Tjipta Boedaja dance studio is regarded as: (1) an effort to preserve the culture by maintaining, protecting, conserving, and preventing it from damage and extinction; (2) an inheritance strategy by conducting routine training session to the children. In particular, the main findings of this study elaborate that the conservation and inheritance of Wayang Wong Bocah as the local wisdom potential require the passionate and willing individuals to conserve the art by ensuring the involvement of young generations as future art performers, the community as the support system of art conservation, and the government as the policymaker. 

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How to Cite: 

Hartono, Nuryani, W., & Kusumastuti, E. (2022). Javanese art conservation in Indonesia inheriting potentials of local wisdom through Wayang Wong Bocah. Research in Dance Education, 1-16.

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