Rector Universitas Negeri Semarang Prof Dr Fathur Rokhman MHum with the 56th Dies Natalis Team visited Rois’ Am Jam’iyyah Ahlith Thoriqoh al-Mu’tabaroh an-Nahdliyyah (JATMAN) Maulana Dr Hc Habib Muhammad Luthfi bin Ali bin Yahya, February 5.
In this meeting, Prof Fathur asked for support from Habib Lutfi to organize the international seminars in several countries which were carried out by an online conference. “This seminar will be held in 56th Anniversary of UNNES. Insya Allah, by the guidance of Abah Lutfi, Morocco and Egypt are two country which ready to support the implementation of this event, “said Prof Fathur.
The webinar will present speakers Maulana Dr Hc Habib Muhammad Luthfi bin Ali bin Yahya, Ambassador Quadia Banabdallah or the Moroccan Embassy in Jakarta, and Aziz El Kobaithi Idris Hasani President of The International Academic Center of Sufi.
On this occasion, Maulana Dr. Hc Habib Muhammad Luthfi bin Ali bin Yahya handed that this seminar would present the face of Indonesia which is rahmatan lil ‘alamin and Indonesian culture with religious nuances and to pray for the safety of the Nation and the State of Indonesia.
Maulana Habib Lutfi, also a member of the Indonesian Presidential Advisory Board, explained about Islam rahmatan lil alamin with the analogy of the distribution of electric power. “All residents can enjoy the benefits of electricity for lighting and others regardless of ethnicity or religion, in the use of electricity it depends on their individual needs without blaming who uses it,” concluded Maulana.
There was another figure who attends the meeting, the Rector of the Bogor Agricultural University Prof Dr Arif Satria SP MSi, Vice-Rector for Cooperation and Planning UNNES Dr Hendi Pratama SPd MA, Deputy Dean for Academic, Faculty of Language and Arts, and the 56th Anniversary Team of UNNES.
Ferdian Restu Kelana (internship)