Dr. Prembayun Miji Lestari, M. Hum.
Research Areas: Linguistics, Javanese Culture, Language Education
Key Findings/Conclusion:
Javanese women when gossiping in social interaction have an impact on the dynamics of conversation in dealing with various dynamic situations that occur.
The discourse of gos-sip conversation carried out by Javanese women in Indonesia in social interaction cannot be separated from the culture that surrounds it.
Pros and cons, matches-does not fit, and that is neutral in talking about others is seen in aspects of diction and the sentence used.
Despite differences of opinion when discussing others, Javanese women are constrained by the existence of Javanese cultural norms so that it does not cause prolonged conflict.
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How to Cite:
Lestari, P. M., Irawati, R. P., Pristiwati, R., & Fuadhiyah, U. (2021). Gossip among Javanese women in social interaction. Linguistica Antverpiensia, (2), 1498-1502.