Center for Study of Drug and Non-Medicine Products made from nature

Center for Drug and Non-Medicine Product Studies Made from Nature Developing Natural Materials for Drug Products including Isolation Activities, Identification and Characterization of Natural Material Compounds, Drug Candidate Potential Test, Antibacterial Test, Anti-Fungal Test, Pharmacology, Pharmacokinetics, Prechlinic Test and Pre-Clinical Test, As well as developing natural ingredients for non -drug products including identification, potential testing of natural dyes, cosmetics, repellent and handmade innovation made from natural.

Chairperson: Prof. Dr. Ari Yuniastuti, M. Kes. (email:

Deputy: Prof. Dr. Drh. R. Susanti, M.P.

Research Roadmap:

List of names of members of the Center for Drug and Non -Medicine Product Studies

Activity: 2020


  1. Development of Gemili Bulb Insulin Products as Antidiabetic and Ancient (Ari Yuniastuti et al).
  2. Profiling Metabolomic Intestional Duck as Aciab Ideal Nutrition Composition (R Susanti et al).
  3. Development of Mirna -Based Diagnostic Rapid Test for Early Diagnosis Atherosclerosis: Case Study of Dawly Sprague Rats induced by Tomato Extract (Retno Sri Iswari et al).
  4. Malondialdehyde (MDA) correlation to the increase in complete cholesterol biomarka in atherosclerosis rats induced by tomato extract (Retno Sri Iswari et al).
  5. Protective Effects of Gamma Co60 and Vitamin E Iradiation Chitosan on Cytotoxicity of Lead Acetate in the Hepar and Kidney Rat (Aditya Marianti et al).
  6. Analysis in Silico Glutathione Antibacterial Mechanism of Salmonella Typhi (Dewi Mustikaningtyas).
  7. Analysis of superoxide dysmutase (SOD) and Malondialdehyde (MDA) levels on mice exposed to e -cigarette (Lisdiana et al).
  8. Exploration of Pinang Fruit Potential (Areca catechu) – Rare plants in the campus environment of Semarang State University (Pramesti Dewi et al).
  9. Optimization of Biological Control Agencies through improving the quality and variation of breeding media (Siti Harnina Bintari et al).
  10. Green Interior and Erosion Prevention for Garden Panel Ornaments, Weeding Backdrops, Space and Outdoor Vertical Garden (Talitha Widiatningrum et al).
  11. Bioethanol Potential Test from Tapioca Flour Waste as Galling Agent in Biofire Gel (Talitha Widiatningrum et al).
  12. The effectiveness of aloe vera skin extract on total antioxidant status, Caspase-3, DNA fragmentation index and mouse sperm quality (experimental studies in type 2 diabetes rats induction of streptozotocin and nicotinamide acid) (Wulan Christijanti et al).
  13. Study of Intestinal Microbiota Potential Immunity as a source of herbal probiotics for poultry (Wulan Christijanti et al).

Webinar activities:

  1. Webinar Series-1: “Preparation and Production of Secondary Metabolites from Plants” (7 August 2020, ⏰ 09.00-11.00 WIB). Resource persons: (1) Prof. Dr. Siti Harnina Bintari, M.S (forging preparation for extraction and partition isoflavone compounds as breast anticancer); (2) Dr. Noor Aini Habibah, S.Si, M.Sc (Production of Bioactive Compounds of Various Plants in Indonesia through Vitro Culture), (3) Talitha Widiatningrum, S.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D (Efficiency of Plant Secondary Metabolite Production through regulating gene expression).
  2. Webinar Series-2: “Bioactive Compound Activity” (August 12, 2020, ⏰ 09.00-11.00 WIB). Resource persons: (1) Prof. Dr. Retno Sri Iswari, SU (Tomato Extract Potential as Anti-Atherosclerosis); (2) Dr. Drh. Wulan Christijanti, M.Sc (Spermatoprotective Activity of Aloe Vera Skin); (3) Dr. Aditya Marianti M.Si (Potential of Chitosan as Antitxy of Heavy Metals); (4) Harjono, S.Pd, M.Sc (Plant Extract as Bioreductor in Nanoparticle Synthesis).
  3. Webinar Series-3: Session 3: “Exploration of Potential Various Natural Materials” (August 1520, ⏰ 09.00-11.00 WIB). Resource persons: 1) Dr. Pramesti Dewi, M.Sc (Exploration of Potential Natural Materials as a Supporter of Food Security Fruit Sector); (2) Dewi Mustikaningtyas, (Glutathione: simple protein that is rich in benefits); (3) Dr. Sri Mursiti M.Sc (Mahogany Seeds: The Bitter Sweet Making Life when Pandemic); (4) Dr. Lisdiana, M.Sc (Rambutan Skin: Firms of Damage due to Exposure to Cigarette Smoke).

Community service:

  1. Utilization of Toga in Msaypakat in Kampung Kradenan, Sukorejo Gunungpati Senarang (Ari Yunistuti et al).
  2. COVID-19 prevention with the application of a winning pattern (PHBS) in RT 01 RW 04 Kalisegoro through the Making of Handwashing Liquid Soap and Handanitizer (R Susanti et al).
  3. Empowerment of PKK RW 7 Bangkong in the development of Toga Park (Retno Sri Iswari et al).
  4. Optimization of the FMIPA Unnes Animal Physiology Laboratory as a pioneering of experimental animal business units (Aditya Marianti).
  5. Environmental -Based Curriculum Document Development Training in SPMA Moenadi Semarang Regency (Lisdiana et al).
  6. Application of the concept of organic agriculture for the cultivation of annual vegetables in the orphanage of Rahmatan Lil Alamin (Pramesti Dewi et al).
  7. Research downstreaming for the empowerment of the Kampung Kenlai Kelurahan Semuraki Semarang City Community (Siti Harnina Bintari et al).

Activity: 2021


  1. Comprehensive Nutrition Research Based on Nutrigenomics and Public Health in Efforts to Reduce and Prevent Stunting (Ari Yuniastuti et al.).
  2. Exploratory Study: The Potential of “Wedhang Uwuh” Remedy as an Immunomodulator in Preventing SARSCoV-2 Virus Infection (Ari Yuniastuti et al.).
  3. Discovery of New Bioactive Compounds in Tomatoes Using a Bioinformatics Approach: The Potential of Tomatidine as an Antivirus, Antimicrobial, and Anticancer Agent (Retno Sri Iswari et al.).
  4. Production of Potential Antidiabetic Compounds through Cell Suspension Culture Technology Rejasa (Noor Aini Habibah et al.).
  5. Pharmacokinetic Profile of Nano Chitosan as a Therapeutic Agent for Lead Poisoning in Lead Acetate-Induced Rats (Aditya Marianti et al.).
  6. Effectiveness of Moringa Leaf Extract as a Hepatoprotector in Hyperglycemic White Rats (Wulan Christijanti et al.).
  7. Exploration of Local Resources at Semarang State University: Lignocellulosic Degrading Fungi (Pramesti Dewi et al.).
  8. Metabolomic Analysis of Fermented Black Garlic and Its Activity as a Prebiotic (R Susanti et al.)
  9. Structure of Male Rat Reproductive Organs after Exposure to Vape Smoke: An Alternative Model for Research and Education (Lisdiana et al.)
  10. Anti-Aging Cream Cosmetics Based on Water Hyacinth (Eichornia Crassipes) Waste (Harjono et al.)
  11. Application of Dioksigenin-Utp Probing for RNA Labeling Using Hybridization Method as an Alternative Screening Tool for Covid-19 Test (Talitha Widiatningrum et al.)
  12. Actualization of Functional Food Research Products through Socialization and Commercialization to Support UNNES as a Legal Entity (S. Harnina Bintari et al.)
  13. Addition of Tempeh Flour in Yogurt Processing to Improve Lipid Profile and Glucose Tolerance in Hypercholesterolemic Wistar Rats (S. Harnina Bintari et al.)

Workshop activities:

  1. Systematic Literature Review and Meta-Analysis Workshop (Friday, September 24, 2021, ⏰ 09.00-11.00 WIB). Speaker: Dr. dr. Mahalul Azam, M.Kes.

Webinar activities:

  1. Webinar Series-1: “Free Radicals and Oxidative Stress” (Saturday, April 17, 2021, ⏰ 09.00-11.00 WIB). Speakers: Prof. Dr. Retno Sri Iswari, S.U (Tomato Extract as an Anti-inflammatory in Hyperlipidemia), Prof. Dr. Ari Yuniastuti, M.Kes. (Potential of Wedang Uwuh Beverage Infusion as a Free Radical Scavenger), and Prof. Dr. Drh. R. Susanti, M.P. (Aloe vera and Its Role in Enhancing Macrophage ROS). Moderator: Dr. Y. Ulung Anggraito, M.Si.
  2. Webinar Series-2: “The Role of Antioxidants in Food and Health” (Saturday, June 19, 2021, ⏰ 09.00-11.00 WIB). Speakers: Dr. Edy Marwanta, M.Eng. (BPPT): Black Garlic: Research, Product Innovation, and Business, Prof. Dr. Siti Harnina Bintari, M.S.: Isoflavones in Fermented Food Products and Health, and Dr. Pramesti Dewi, M.Si: Natural Antioxidants as Antimicrobials. Moderator: Dr. Aditya Marianti, M.Si.
  3. Webinar Series-3: “Antioxidant Production” (Saturday, August 28, 2021, ⏰ 09.00-11.00 WIB). Speakers: Apt. Wahyu Widayani, S.Si (Factory Head of PT Sidomuncul Semarang): Antioxidant Products by PT Sidomuncul and Dr. Noor Aini Habibah, M.Si. (Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, UNNES): Antioxidant Production through Plant Callus Tissue Culture Technique. Moderator: Taltha Widiatningrum, M.Si, Ph.D.

Community service:

  1. Empowerment of Sukorejo PKK Mothers in Efforts to Provide Spice-based Beverages to Maintain Body Immunity (by Ari Yuniastuti et al.)
  2. Development and Utilization of Herbal Gardens to Improve Public Health in Empowering Residents of RT 4 RW 5 Mangunsari, Gunungpati, Semarang (by Wulan Christijanti et al.)

Activity: 2022


  1. Comprehensive Nutritional Research Based on Nutrigenomics and Public Health in Efforts to Reduce and Prevent Stunting (Ari Yuniastuti et al.).
  2. Integrated Holistic Intervention Action Strategy Based on Local Wisdom to Support Health Independence for Stunting Prevention and Acceleration (Ari Yuniastuti et al.).
  3. Moringa Leaf-Based Nutritional Intake Model for Stunting Mitigation in the Working Area of Sedan Primary Health Center, Rembang District (Ari Yuniastuti et al.)
  4. The Immunomodulatory Effect of Food, Herbs, and Spices for Preventive Covid-19: Exploratory Case Studies from Indonesia and Malaysia (Noor Aini Habibah et al.).
  5. Enhancement of Bioactive Compound Production in Yam Callus Culture through Elicitation Method (Noor Aini Habibah et al.).
  6. Protective Role of Nanochitosan against Oxidative Stress and Inflammatory Response in the Liver and Kidney of Lead Acetate-Induced Rats (Aditya Marianti et al.).
  7. Overexpression of GSH1 and GEX1 Genes in Saccharomyces cerevisiae as an Effort to Increase Glutathione Antioxidant Production (Dewi Mustikaningtyas et al.)
  8. Hypoglycemic Activity of Moringa Leaf Extract on Histological Structure of Alloxan-Induced Testes (Wulan Christijanti et al.).
  9. Biogeography of Microbial Communities and Secretory Immunoglobulin-A in the Intestinal Microbiome of Ducks (R Susanti).

Community service:

  1. Initiation of Adolescent Integrated Health Posts as an Effort to Improve Health Status in Bandarharjo Sub-district, Semarang (Ari Yuniastuti et al.)
  2. Product Diversification of Traditional Herbal Medicine in the “Kampung Jamu” of Wonolopo Village, Mijen District, Semarang (Aditya Marianti).

Visiting Professor and Research Collaboration Activity of Natural and Non-Natural Product Research:

Collaboration between Faculty of Science and Technology, University of Malaya, Malaysia, and Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Semarang State University (Natural and Non-Natural Product Research Collaboration). Research Title: The Immunomodulatory Effect of Food, Herbs, and Spices for Covid-19 Prevention: Exploratory Case Studies from Indonesia and Malaysia. Visiting Professors: Prof. Dr. Ari Yuniastuti, M.Kes: Potential of Wedang Uwuh as a Traditional Beverage in the Prevention of COVID-19, and Prof. Dr. Noor Aini Habibah, M.Si: Secondary Metabolites Production from Dioscorea esculenta Gembili Callus and Cell Culture.

Book Chapter Works:

  1. Potential of Active Compounds from Natural Ingredients (Pramesti Dewi et al.: Potential of Lignocellulolytic Fungi in the Production of Bioactive Compounds, Noor Aini Habibah: Antioxidant Production through In Vitro Culture, Dewi Mustikaningtyas et al.: Potential of Saccharomyces cerevisiae as a Unicellular Producer of Glutathione Antioxidant, Retno Sri Iswari: Potential of Potential Bioactive Compounds in Tomatoes: Discovery of Tomatidine in Various Solvent Tomato Extracts, Nugrahaningsih WH et al.: Potential of Cassava Leaf Extract (Manihot esculenta) for Health, Aditya Maryanti et al.: Potential of Chitosan as a Protective Agent for the Digestive Organs of Rats Exposed to Lead Acetate, Ari Yuniastuti et al.: Potential of Wedang Uwuh as an Immunomodulator in SARSCoV-2 Infection through In Silico Study, Priyantini Widiyaningrum et al.: Potential of Kipahit Weed as a Bioinsecticide for Livestock Insect Control, R. Susanti et al.: Antioxidant Activity of Fermented Black Garlic in Compound and Individual Forms, Wulan Christijanti et al.: Potential of Moringa Leaf (Moringa oleifera) as an Antioxidant in Hyperglycemic Rats, and Maria Magdalena Riyaniarti Estri W: Potential of Active Compounds from Red Moringa Leaf Fermentation (Moringa oleifera) as a Countermeasure for Oxidative Stress Caused by Salmonella Typhi Infection).

Appendix of Book Chapter:

Plan of Activities for 2023


  1. Comprehensive Nutrigenomic-based Nutrition Research and Public Health in Efforts to Reduce and Prevent Stunting (Ari Yuniastuti et al.).
  2. Development of Effervescent Granule Formulation Product for Instant Herbal Drink “Wedhang Uwuh” as an Immunomodulator (Ari Yuniastuti et al.).
  3. Analysis of Environmental Factors and Parenting Patterns as Risk Factors for Stunting in Children Aged 6 to 60 Months in Pekalongan City in 2023 (Ari Yuniastuti et al.).
  4. Identification of Medicinal Plants and their Bioactive Compounds Used as Prevention by Rural Communities in Indonesia and Malaysia (Noor Aini Habibah et al.).
  5. Identification of Bioactive Compound Contents in Bima Brebes Onion Callus Culture (Noor Aini Habibah et al.).
  6. Profile of Recombinant Glutathione Exchanger Protein and GSH1 Enzyme Activity in Genetically Engineered Saccharomyces cerevisiae (Dewi Mustikaningtyas).
  7. Phytochemical Analysis of Tamarind (Tamarindus indica) and its Activity on Lipid Profiles in High-Fat Diet Rats (Wulan Christijanti).
  8. Genetic Diversity Characterization of Kalibening Avocado Germplasm in Semarang Regency Based on Morphological and ISSR Markers for Conservation Efforts (Y. Ulung Anggraito et al.).
  9. Analysis of Structural and Organ Function Changes Exposed to Cigarette Smoke with Black Garlic Extract Induction in Rats (Lisdiana et al.).
  10. Microbial-based Organic Nanocomposite Fertilizer from Metagenomic Analysis of Weed Rhizosphere as an Alternative Controlled-Release Fertilizer for SDGS12 Sustainability (Talitha Widiatningrum et al.).
  11. Metagenomic and Metabolomic Profiling of Intestinal Microhabitat as an Early Diagnostic Biomarker for Dysbiosis in Stunting (R. Susanti et al.).
  12. Analysis of Heavy Metal Contamination and Microbes in Hygienic Tempeh Produced by Small and Medium Enterprises towards Tempeh Export Requirements (S. Harnina Bintari et al.).

Community Service:

  1. Empowerment of PKK Mothers in Meeting Nutritional Needs for Pre-School Children as Efforts to Prevent Stunting in Kalisegoro Village (Ari Yuniastuti et al.).
  2. Training on Identification of Hazardous Food Preservatives and Utilization of Chitosan as a Natural Preservative for the Forum Kesehatan Group in Pleburan Village, South Semarang Sub-District (Aditya Marianti et al.).
  3. Increasing the Economic Value of Goat Manure into “Black Gold” at Subuh Jaya Farm (Pramesti Dewi et al.).
  4. Bioactive Compound Content of Underutilized Kelir Avocado Cultivar and its In vitro Activity Test (Y. Ulung Anggraiti).
  5. Product Diversification of Mekar Sari Orchid House in Kalisegoro, Gunungpati, Semarang (Noor Aini Habibah).


Research Activities in Collaboration with Rembang District Government

Image 1. Training on the Preparation of Complementary Feeding for Toddlers using Moringa Leaves
Image 2. Launching of Healthy Kitchen to Address Stunting Based on Moringa
Image 3. Complementary Feeding Products for Toddlers using Moringa Leaves
Image 4. Sampung Village, Sarang Sub-district, Rembang Regency

Research Activities in Collaboration with Semarang City Government

Supporting the Acceleration of Stunting Reduction, Researchers from the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) Unnes Provide Moringa Seedlings

Image 1. Handover of Moringa Seedling Assistance in Tanjungmas Sub-district, Semarang
Image 2. Handover of Moringa Seedling Assistance in Bandarharjo Sub-district, Semarang

Tempe Technology and Innovation Workshop:


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