The community service team consisting of Prof. Putut Marwoto, M.S., Prof. Ani Rusilowati, M.Pd., Dr. Budi Astuti, M.Sc., Sugiyanto, S.Pd., M.Sc., and Wasi Sakti W.P. carried out their community service activities on July 17, 2023.
The Physics community service team from FMIPA UNNES has successfully conducted community service activities in the form of a visiting professor program at STKIP Singkawang in West Kalimantan. The community service program was opened by Dr. Andi Mursidi, M.Si., the Director of STKIP Singkawang. He warmly welcomed the visiting professor program conducted by the Physics community service team from FMIPA UNNES and expressed his hope for future collaborative activities such as research, publication, Community Service Learning (Kuliah Kerja Nyata), and others. This was further demonstrated by the signing of a collaboration agreement between FMIPA UNNES and STKIP Singkawang.
The event continued with a presentation by Prof. Putut on Physics and the Development of Physics in the modern era. Prof. Putut explained that Physics is the oldest branch of knowledge that originated from ancient times by Greek philosophers. The current development of Physics has led to Applied Physics, where Physics has become an interesting field of study as it can be used to explain natural phenomena in everyday life, aligned with the current digital age.

Therefore, it is expected that Physics students can develop their skills in Physics based on technology. The presentation was then continued by Prof. Ani, who discussed Assessment and Learning Evaluation that aligns with students’ characteristics. This is because students are unique individuals, and evaluating their progress requires measurement tools that suit their characteristics. Currently, the success of learning is measured through PISA Assessment, hence there is a need for literacy-based learning and evaluation tools to ensure that the learning achievement rankings measured by PISA meet the standards.
The next presentation focused on sharing motivation and tips for successful studying abroad, delivered by Dr. Budi Astuti, M.Sc. In this presentation, tips for successfully obtaining scholarships abroad and excelling in master’s and doctoral studies were shared. Lastly, a presentation on computational problem-solving skills (CPSS) for prospective teacher students was delivered by Mr. Sugiyanto, S.Pd., M.Si. It was explained that computational thinking skills are computer skills applied in problem-solving. It is not about thinking like a computer but how computer skills can enhance physics education, making it more enjoyable, increasing students’ interest in learning, and ultimately improving learning outcomes.