Tuesday, July 18, 2023. The community service program by FMIPA titled “Development of Moringa Tempe Products and its Diversification to Increase the Revenue of Berkah Nj’s SMEs and the Popularity of Patemon Reservoir Tourism Village in Gunungpati District, Semarang” continues with the signing of cooperation regarding the potential of Patemon Reservoir Tourism for entrepreneurial location for the Patemon community, Gunungpati, Semarang. This is an agreement between both parties, considering that Patemon Reservoir Tourism has the potential to be developed for local and Central Java tourism.
Patemon Reservoir Tourism Village is a tourist destination that is being promoted with various productive activities to enhance its popularity and attract domestic visitors. This effort is expected to increase income for SMEs in the Patemon neighborhood. Some existing SMEs include RITSS and Berkah Nj. Both are tempe fermentation product businesses, with RITSS being one of the tempeh industrial sites that has a brand, MD BPOM RI status, and Patent No. IDS000004375, dated November 12, 2021, regarding Moringa-fortified tempeh, which has many benefits for the nutrition of malnourished children and adolescent girls. This community service program has also trained 20 mothers/fathers at the Sekar Sari Tempe Innovation House to produce hygienic tempeh and Moringa-fortified tempeh, which are sold by the participants, and the proceeds are used as rewards.
RITSS Moringa Tempeh:
RITSS Moringa Tempeh, yellow packaging, and original tempeh, green packaging.
Simultaneously with the PIRT (Food Safety License) socialization, which is one of the Community Service activities and also the Patemon Village Program, today, Tuesday, July 18, 2023, a cooperation in the form of MOA (Memorandum of Agreement) and IA (Implementation Agreement) was signed to strengthen the potential of Patemon Reservoir Tourism for business purposes. Before being signed by M. Khosim, S.IP., M.M., the Head of Patemon Village, and Prof. Tikno, WD. III FMIPA informed that UNNES as the PTNBH and FMIPA as one of the faculties focusing on supporting entrepreneurship activities, particularly related to waste management issues. FMIPA has 21 study programs, so this collaboration can be related to various fields to support and encourage business activities in the Patemon Reservoir area.
MoU and IA between Patemon Village and FMIPA, accompanied by WD III FMIPA.
The Patemon Reservoir area is located in Sriging Village, RT 01 RW 01, Patemon Village, which is an agricultural and rain-fed paddy field environment, and the local residents’ economic conditions are still low. The native residents of Sriging mainly work as farmers on ancestral land. Irrigation solely relies on rainwater, and water scarcity is a challenge during the dry season. To overcome the water limitations, especially during the dry season, the community initiated a request to build a reservoir in the location of the former Semarang City landfill (Ex Bengkok). The request was realized through the 2016 State Budget (APBN) implemented by BBWS Central Java Province. With the construction of the reservoir, the water reserves in the Sriging RT 01 RW 01 area, Patemon Village, Gunungpati District, are expected to be available during the dry season and can be used for irrigation in the surrounding plantations, thereby promoting agriculture and improving the welfare of the community. In addition to being a water reservoir, the local community discovered that the reservoir could also be developed as a freshwater fishing tourism spot. This activity has been taking place every Sunday and has received great enthusiasm from the surrounding community. The activity is managed by the Mulyo Langgeng Farmers Group, whose members are the local community near the Patemon Reservoir.
To develop the potential in Patemon Village, the focus is placed on addressing the business aspect in the Patemon Reservoir area with the aim of promoting the region as an economic growth area. This is further supported by significant changes in the present era, especially the development of the community’s openness to culinary aspects, modern agriculture, and waste management in the Mawar Waste Bank in RW 05. The future will be directed towards educational tourism, children’s recreation, culinary, and agriculture. Hence, the collaboration between Patemon Village and FMIPA UNNES is established. May it be blessed…
Current state of Patemon Reservoir.