22nd on International Conference Researches in Science & Technology (ICRST 2017), London, United Kingdom at the 8th ranked University at QS World University Rankings, which was South Kensington Campus, Imperial College London (13/9).
The conference is an international conference that centers on intellectuals for academic discussions and new research which have found by the participants, exchanging information and discussing current issues. This conference improves the development of knowledge in the field of sciences and technology. The International Academic Conference promoting the dissemination of knowledge and the development of international cross-national academic fraternity.
Participants come from various backgrounds and countries such as USA, Indonesia, Saudi Arabia, Nigeria, India, Turkey, Algeria, Malaysia, France, Colombia, Poland, Maroco, Iran, Pakistan, and Egypt. Participants who was invited is the one who have been declared passed the selection stage of the paper conducted by the reviewer team and get a statement received for the conference.
One of the lecturers of Chemical Engineering is Dr. Wara Dyah Pita Rengga ST MT, representing the Faculty of Engineering who presented his paper entitled Adsorption / Oxidation of Formaldehyde by Silver Nano-particles attached on Activated Carbon.
At the event, she explained the reduction in the amount of formaldehyde (harmful pollutants causing nasopharyngeal cancer) by means of formaldehyde absorption and the release of CO2 on activated carbon modified silver nanoparticles.
Dean of Faculty of Engineering Dr. Nur Qudus MT convey, “I feel proud and pleased with the activities associated with UNNES that are determined to develop themselves into the home of science developers of superior civilization