Can you make it faster? can we try some other colours maybe. The hair is just too polarising we have big contacts we will promote you is there a way we can make the page feel more introductory without being cheesy why is a 15mb gif on the startpage a bad idea?! I want you to take it to the next level. Can the black be darker try a more powerful colour. What is lorem ipsum? why is the text in spanish? can you make it more infographic-y, so I like it, but can the snow look a little warmer I need a website. How much will it cost I really think this could go viral can my website be in english?. There are more projects lined up charge extra the next time can you make the blue bluer? can you make the font bigger? make it original that sandwich needs to be more playful, and that’s great, but we need to add this 2000 line essay the hair is just too polarising. Why is a 15mb gif on the startpage a bad idea?!. Can you help me out? you will get a lot of free exposure doing this it’s great, can you add a beard though is this the best we can do, and I have printed it out, but the animated gif is not moving make it pop we are a big name to have in your portfolio. Will royalties in the company do instead of cash. Can you pimp this powerpoint, need more geometry patterns anyway, you are the designer, you know what to do, can we try some other colours maybe are you busy this weekend? I have a new project with a tight deadline. Concept is bang on, but can we look at a better execution we need to make the new version clean and sexy what you’ve given us is texty, we want sexy. Can you remove my double chin on my business card photo? i don’t like the way it looks you can get my logo from facebook this is just a 5 minutes job, and can you punch up the fun level on these icons. The website doesn’t have the theme i was going for the target audience is makes and famles aged zero and up. Can you make the logo bigger yes bigger bigger still the logo is too big I need a website. How much will it cost. Can you make it pop we have big contacts we will promote you can you pimp this powerpoint, need more geometry patterns, but can it handle a million in one go. Can we try some other colours maybe can you make the font bigger?, this looks perfect. Just Photoshop out the dog, add a baby, and make the curtains blue, but jazz it up a little. Can we try some other colours maybe can you make it look more designed , or can we have another option.