S2: Master of Chemistry Education

Brief Profile

The Master of Chemistry Education study program is one of the Master of Education programs initially under the coordination of the UNNES Postgraduate. Still, since September 1, 2023, it has been under the coordination of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) UNNES.

The Master of Chemistry Education Study Program, UNNES Postgraduate was originally part of the Science Education (Master Program) in Chemistry concentration, which was established in 2005 with an operating permit based on the Letter of the Director General of Higher Education No 040/O/T/2005 dated March 3, 2005. After the issuance of the Decree of the Minister of Research and Technology and Higher Education No. 47/ KPT/I/2016 dated January 20, 2016, concerning the permit for the implementation of the Chemistry Education (S2) study program, the Master of Chemistry Education Study Program stood apart from the Master of Science Education.

This Study Program aims to produce graduates in the field of Chemistry education at the Master’s level who are superior, professional, and sensitive to conservation soft skills and local wisdom. Graduates of the Master of Chemistry Education Study Program are also equipped with professional skills as managers and supervisors in education, abilities in research and scientific work, and soft skills in Chemo-Entrepreneurship (CEP).

Accreditation and Sertification

“B” Accreditation

Number 2142/SK/BAN-PT/Akred/M/VII/2019

Accreditation Expiration Date : 07/02/2024

Academics Title

Master of Education (M.Ed/M.Pd)


  1. Educator
  2. Researchers in the field of Chemistry Education
  3. Management of Educational Institutions/Education Units

Domestic Partnerships

  1. Pendidikan Kimia FMIPA dan Pascasarjana UNP
  2. Pendidikan Kimia FMIPA dan Pascasarjana UNIMED
  3. Pendidikan Kimia FPMIPA dan Sekolah Pascasarjana UPI
  4. Pendidikan Kimia FMIPA dan Pascasarjana UNJ
  5. Pendidikan Kimia FMIPA dan Pascasarjana UNY
  6. Pendidikan Kimia FMIPA dan Pascasarjana UNESA
  7. Pendidikan Kimia FMIPA dan Pascasarjana UNDHIKSA
  8. Pendidikan Kimia FMIPA Universitas Gorontalo
  9. Pendidikan Kimia FMIPA dan Pascasarjana UM
  10. Pendidikan Kimia FMIPA dan Pascasarjana UNIMA
  11. Pendidikan Kimia dan Pascasarjana UNM
  12. Pendidikan Kimia FKIP UNS
  13. Pendidikan MIPA Univ Jambi
  14. Pendidikan Kimia FKIP UNIV Lambung Mangkurat
  15. IPB Bogor
  16. Universitas Tidar (UNTIDAR)
  17. IAIN Salatiga
  18. Universitas Tadulako
  19. FST Universitas Diponegoro
  20. FMIPA Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta
  21. FST Universitas Jenderal Sudirman Purwokerto
  22. Universitas Muhamadiyah Semarang
  23. Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana Salatiga
  24. UIN Walisongo Semarang
  25. MGMP Kimia , Fisika, IPA Semarang
  26. Pemerintah Desa Tawangsari Teras Boyolali
  27. MGMP Kimia , Fisika, IPA Kab. Demak, Kendal, Jepara, Kudus, Batang, Pekalongan
  28. MGMP Jawa Tengah, kota Semarang dan Kab Semarang
  29. MKKS Kab Banyumas
  30. SMA/MAN di wilayah propinsi Jawa Tengah dan sekitarnya
  31. Pemerintah Daerah dan Dinas Pendidikan di wilayah propinsi Jawa Tengah

Foreign Partnerships

  1. Sogang University Korea (LUPIC Program)
  2. University Malaya, Malaysia (International Academic Collaboration)
  3. Kanazawa University Japan (Post Doctoral, Joint research and publication)
  4. Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) Malaysia (Lecture mobility programme, Research collaboration, Joint Publication, Integrated STEM, keynote/invited speaker)
  5. Hokaido University, Japan (Joint research and publication)
  6. Universitas Putra Malaysia (Studium General, Keynote/invited speaker)
  7. EASE Korea (International Conference Collaboration)
  8. CHE Malaysia (International Conference Collaboration)
  9. Kasetsart University, Thailand (Joint research and publication)
  10. Curtin University, Perth, Australia (Joint Research and Publication)
  11. Konsulat Jenderal Indonesia Kualalumpur, Malaysia (Research and Community Services)
  12. Sekolah Indonesia Kualalumpur (Community Services)

Industry Partnerships

  1. PT Kimia Farma
  2. PT United Tractors
  3. CV Pudak Scientific

Featured Facility

  1. Representative lecture halls have mebeleir and supporting facilities such as LED TVs, LCD projects, personal computers, whiteboards, air conditioners, and hotspots.
  2. Chemistry Laboratory with instruments such as advanced UV-Vis Spectrophotometer, Fourier Transform Infra Red (FT-IR), Gas Chromatography (GC), Inductively Coupled Plasma-Optical Emission Spectrometer (ICP-OES), Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS), Surface Area analyzers (SAA), High Perform Liquid Chromatography (HPLC), Particle Size analyzers (PSA) as a means for practicum and research activities
  3. Library/reference room that provides foreign and domestic textbooks and international, national, and proceedings journals. More complete literature, such as various kinds of books and lecture references from within the country and abroad, can be accessed in the online library : http://digilib.unnes.ac.id.
  4. Office space, lecturer room, discussion room, seminar room, prayer room, meeting room, and representative examination room

Research List

  1. 2023 – Design of an Ethnoscience Integrated Inquiry Learning Model on Bioactivity Test Study Materials for Secondary Metabolites from Indonesian Tropical Forest Plants to Accelerate the Conservation Character of DN Students – Prof. Dr. Sudarmin, M.Si
  2. 2023 – Hybrid Learning Model with Ethno-Stem Approach to Develop 21st Century Skills of Higher  Education- Prof. Dr. Sudarmin Education Students, M.Si
  3. 2023 – Development of Papuan Contextual Science Teaching Materials Integrated with Ethnoscience and Stem Approaches Based on Indigenous Science of the Malind Tribe Higher  Education – Prof. Dr. Sudarmin, M.Si
  4. 2023 – Design of an Ethno-STEM Integrated Project Learning Model to Improve Science Literacy and High Order Thinking Skills of Higher  Education – Prof. Dr. Woro Sumarni Students, M.Si
  5. 2023 – The Effectiveness of Blended-Inquiry Learning with an Ethno-Stem Approach to Chemical Literacy and Conservation Character of Higher  Education Students – Prof. Dr. Woro Sumarni, M.Si
  6. 2023 – Strengthening Pre-Service Science Teachers’ Education Through Ethno-Stem Enriched Project-Based Learning In Indonesia And Malaysia (In Collaboration with UiTM Malaysia) – Prof. Dr. Woro Sumarni, M.Si
  7. 2023 – Online Instrument Analysis Chemistry Practicum Learning Innovation to Develop New Literacy Skills and Student Learning Motivation Higher Education – Dr. Agung Tri Prasetya, M.Si
  8. 2023 – Development of Pedagogic Competency Assessment Instruments for Integrated Chemistry Teacher Candidates Technology Pedagogy and Content Knowledge (TPACK) Higher Education – Prof. Dr. Sri Haryani, M.Si
  9. 2023 – Basic Chemistry Practicum Based on Do Lab At Home Integrated Green Chemistry to Train Creative Thinking Skills of Higher Education – Prof. Dr. Sri Haryani, M.Si
  10. 2023 – Development of a Complex Multiple Choice Test Instrument Containing Minimum Competency Assessment (AKM) for Analysis of the Achievement of Basic Chemistry Competencies of Higher Education Students – Prof. Dr. Sri Haryani, M.Si
  11. 2023- The Effect of the Steam-Based Flipped Classroom Model on Mastery of Concepts and Student Interpersonal Intelligence in Online Learning at Higher Education – Prof. Dr. Sri Wardani, M.Si
  12. 2023 -Online Software-Assisted Digital Module to Increase Multirepresentation Ability and Minimize Misconceptions in Chemistry Higher Education Learning – Prof. Dr. Edy Cahyono, M.Si
  13. 2022 – Dissemination of Blended-Inquiry Learning with Ethno-STEM (Bil-EthnoSTEM) Approach as an Effort to Accelerate Chemical Literacy and Conservation Character of Higher Education – Prof. Dr. Woro Sumarni Students, M.Si
  14. 2022 – Development Of Collaborative Ethno-Stem Enriched Project Based Learning (Coe-Stem Pjbl) For Prospective Teachers In Indonesia And Malaysia (In Collaboration with UiTM Malaysia) – Prof. Dr. Woro Sumarni, M.Si
  15. 2022 – Development of Minimum Competency Assessment Test Instruments for Reading Literacy Based on the Pisa Framework Containing Higher Order Thinking Skills in Higher Education Chemistry – Prof. Dr. Sri Haryani, M.Si
  16. 2022 – Development of Ethno-STEM Integrated Vlog Media to Equip Conservation Character and Chemical Literacy of Higher Education Students – Dr. Agung Tri Prasetya, M.Si
  17. 2021 – Development of Digital-Based Chemical Instruments for Integrated Ethnoscience Content Issues of Community Science Issues (Ethno-IISM) to Measure Literacy and Numeracy of Students DN – Prof. Dr. Sudarmin, M.Si
  18. 2021 – Development of 4C Skills Assessment in Collaborative Ethno-Stem Enriched Project Based Learning (CoE-STEM PjBL) for DN Teacher Candidates – Prof. Dr. Woro Sumarni, M.Si

Featured Activities

  1. National Seminar on Chemistry and Chemistry Education (SNKPK)
  2. International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education (ICMSE)
  3. Academic Writing
  4. Ethnoscience/Ethno-STEM/Ethno-STEAM Webinar
  5. Assistance to Chemistry / Science Teachers in Collaboration with MGMP
  6. School Laboratory Training
  7. Cooperation with Local Governments, Education Offices, and Schools in implementing research results

Lecturer Expertise

  1. Prof. Dr. Woro Sumarni, M.Si – Chemistry Learning Innovation based on ethnoscience, PjBL-integrated ethno-STEM, 21st century skills, chemical literacy
  2. Prof. Dr. Sudarmin, M. Si – Chemistry Learning Innovation based on ethno-STEM, conservation character, entrepreneurship
  3. Prof. Dr. Sri Wardani, M. Si – Chemistry Learning Innovation based on multirepresentation, local wisdom
  4. Prof. Dr. Sri Haryani, M. Si Si – TPACK-based Chemistry Learning Innovation, PBL
  5. Prof. Dr. Sri Susilogati Sumarti, M. Si – Chemo-entrepreneurship-based learning (CEP), Management and Supervision of Chemistry Education
  6. Prof. Dr. Murbangun Nuswowati, M. Si Si – Learning Environmental Chemistry, Green Chemistry
  7. Prof. Dr. Edy Cahyono, M. Si – Organic Chemistry, Higher Education Curriculum
  8. Prof. Dr. Nanik Wijayati, M. Si – Organic Chemistry
  9. Dr. Sigit Priatmoko, M. Si – Physical Chemistry
  10. Dr. Agung Tri Prasetya, M. Si – Project-based Learning for prospective teachers, Statistics and Data Processing, Instrument Development
  11. Dr. Sri Wahyuni, M. Si – Physical Chemistry
  12. Dr. Sri Kadarwati, M. Si – Physical Chemistry
  13. Cepi Kurniawan, Ph. D – Inorganic Chemistry
  14. Dr. Nuni Widiarti, M. Si – Inorganic Chemistry
  15. M. Alauhdin, Ph.D – Analytical Chemistry
  16. Dr. Harjono, M. Si Si – Research Methods Education, Statistics and Data Processing


Faculty of Mathematics & Natural Science
D6 Building, 2nd Floor
Sekaran, Gunungpati, Kota Semarang

Head of Study Program
Prof. Dr. Woro Sumarni, M.Si.
email: worosumarni@mail.unnes.ac.id


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